- A B C Die Katze lief im Schnee
- A barata diz que tem
- A Betlem me’n vull anar
- A bundának nincs gallérja
- A Christmas Carol for Little Folks
- A Mince Pie and a Pudding
- A part alatt
- A Pumpkin
- ABC Song
- Acadian Lullaby
- Acka Backa
- African Noel
- Ai Hai Yo
- Akiwowo
- Ako ay may lobo
- Al ánimo
- Al corro de la patata
- Ala presi komisi d’a botri
- Alabama Bound
- All Me Rock
- All My Trials
- Alle Vögel sind schon da
- Alleluia
- Amen
- Animal Song
- Annie Laurie
- Apples
- Aserrín aserrán
- Atirei o Pau ao Gato
- Away Idaho
- Ayo Mama
- B-I-B-L-E
- Baa Baa Wandiga
- Backe backe Kuchen
- Baker
- Balonku ada lima
- Banaha
- Banks of Sacramento
- Banks of the Little Eau Pleine
- Barges
- Batti batti le manine
- Bayou Sara
- Beautiful Dreamer
- Bee and the Pup
- Big Rock Candy Mountain
- Bigi kaiman
- Bim Bum
- Birdies’ Ball
- Bluebird
- Boar’s Head Carol
- Boci Tarka
- Bóg się rodzi
- Bonnie Scotland I Adore Thee
- Boryano, Boryanke
- Botany Bay
- Bought Me a Cat
- Bound for South Australia
- Brahms’s Lullaby
- Bro bro brille
- Bu Yu Ge
- Bula Maleya
- By’m Bye
- Cackle Cackle Mother Goose
- Call to Singing
- Cangrejito
- Carrillon
- Castle of Dromore
- Cat Came Fiddling
- Caterpillar! Caterpillar!
- Chad Gadya
- Chat chat chat
- Chattanooga Choo Choo
- Children Go Where I Send Thee
- Christmas Bells
- Clapping Dance
- Cock-a-Doodle-Doo
- Cornish Wassail Song
- Cowboy Jack
- Creeping Creeping Little Flea
- Cuatro milpas
- Cut the Cake
- Daj Boh šťastia
- Dansa min docka
- Dayenu
- Days of Summer Glory
- De Blues Ain’t Nothin’
- Dear Little Moon
- Debajo de un botón
- Debrecenbe kéne menni
- Deilig Er den Himmel Blaa
- Ding Dong Diggidiggidong
- Diū shǒu juàn
- Do as I’m Doing
- Dobry tebe vecher
- Doctor Foster
- Dodo Petit Popo
- Does the Spearmint Lose Its Flavor
- Doña Ana
- Down By the Sally Gardens
- Down in a Coal Mine
- Down to the Baker’s Shop
- Early in the Morning
- Easter Song
- Echen confites
- El chiriguare
- El coquí
- El desembre congelat
- Elephant Song
- Every Time I Feel the Spirit
- False Alarm
- Famba Naye
- Fiddle-dee-dee
- Five Green and Speckled Frogs
- Flickorna de små uti dansen de gå
- Fooba Wooba John
- Freight Train Blues
- Frog and the Crow
- Frog Pond
- Gatatumba tumba tumba
- George Washington
- Georgie Porgie
- Go Down Emmanuel Road
- Go Mississippi
- Go to Sleepy
- Goder afton
- Goin’ to Boston
- Goin’ Up on the Mountain
- Going Nutting
- Going Skating
- Good Night Kind Friends
- Got Dem Blues
- Great Big Stars
- Greetings
- Hal sisan shu helween
- Hanukkah Hanukkah
- Haru ga kita
- Harvest Song
- Häschen in der Grube
- Häsli i dr Gruaba
- Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
- Healing Waters
- Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau
- Henehene Kou’Aka
- Hey Concentration
- Hirsilaulu
- Hitori de Sabishii
- Hogs in the Cornfield
- Hoist Your Window Way Yonder
- Home Sweet Home
- Hop Up My Ladies
- Hop-tu-naa My Mother’s Gone Away
- Hört ihr Herrn und lasst euch sagen
- How Old Are You?
- Huachi torito
- Humpty Dumpty
- Hush-a-bye Baby
- I am a Pumpkin Big and Round
- I Had a Little Nut Tree
- I Had a Rooster
- I Lost the Farmer’s Dairy Key
- I Love the Summertime
- I Went to Visit a Farm One Day
- I Went Upstairs
- I’m Goin’ Home on a Cloud
- I’ve Got the Joy Joy Joy
- Jack and Jill
- Jack was Every Inch a Sailor
- Jacob’s Ladder
- Jesus Borned in Bethlea
- Jesus Loves Me
- Joe Turner Blues
- Jongens heb je ‘t al vernomen
- June
- Kaeru No Uta
- Kalin Esperan Arhontes
- Kanzenzenze
- Kat Kop
- Kelgusõit (Küll on kena kelguga)
- Kellon Indon Sayarat
- Kitty
- Kitty Alone
- Koinobori
- Kur tu teci
- L’abe igi orombo
- L’as tu vu
- La bella hortelana
- La macchina del capo
- La Marimorena
- Lachend kommt der Sommer
- Lavender’s Blue
- Leaving of Liverpool
- Lenggang Kangkung
- Leptiriću, šareniću
- Let Everyone Clap Hands Like Me
- Li’l Liza Jane
- Lille Petter Edderkopp
- Limbo Like Me
- Little Arabella Miller
- Little Bo-Peep
- Little Dappled Cow
- Little Pig
- Los pollitos
- Lots of Fish in Bonavist’ Harbour
- Lula Gal
- Lulajże Jezuniu
- Mage podi thara
- Marianini
- Marine’s Hymn
- May-Day Song
- Mayo Nafwa
- Mér um hug og hjarta nú
- Mikkel Rev
- Mince Pie or a Pudding
- Miss Mary Mack
- Miwoe nenyo
- My Father is a Garbage Man
- My Father’s House
- My Home’s in Montana
- My Pigeon House
- Na Bahia tem
- Neige neige blanche
- No Hiding Place
- Ndolo
- November and December
- O Cravo e a Rosa
- O Ġesù ħelwa tarbija
- O pião entrou na roda
- Obo Asi Me Nsa
- Oh Come Little Children
- Oh oh the Sunshine
- Oh Watch the Stars
- Oh We Can Play on the Big Bass Drum
- Old Aunt Kate
- Old Hen Cackled
- Old Man
- Old Man Moses
- Old North State
- Old Woman and the Peddler
- Old Woman and the Pig
- On Top of Old Smoky
- One Cold and Frosty Morning
- Overlander
- Pamulinawen
- Per spelmann
- Pigs
- Pirulito que bate bate
- Plovi barko
- Polichinelle
- Pong Dang Pong Dang
- Poreho
- Poúnto to dachtilídi
- Praise Him, All You Little Children
- Pretty Little Dutch Girl
- Pretty Little Girl with the Red Dress On
- Räge, Rägetröpfli
- Räven raskar över isen
- Reidi, Reidi, Geili
- Ride a Cock Horse to Banbury Cross
- Riding in the Buggy
- Rise and Shine (Arky Arky)
- Ritsch Ratsch Fili Bom Bom
- Ro ro barnet
- Ro Ro Til Fiskeskjær
- Robin
- Rock a Bye Baby (Thy Cradle is Green)
- Roda pião
- Rođendanska
- Roll on the Ground
- Rolly Trudum
- Round and Round
- Round and Round the Village
- Roy’s Horse Enjoys a Gallop
- Sacramento
- Săniuța fuge
- Sansa Kroma
- Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen
- Se levanta la niña
- Sednala Kalinka
- Selamat Ulang Tahun
- Señor Don Gato
- Señor San José (Carpintero fino)
- Señora Santana
- Shepherd Shepherd
- Shuckin’ of the Corn
- Sleigh Ride
- Sleigh Song
- Snowflakes
- Song of Praise
- Song of the Moon
- Song of the Skylark
- Sounds of the Singing School
- Soy la reina de los mares
- Speak Distinctly
- Spinn, spinn meine liebe Tochter
- Sto lat
- Strike the Bell
- Süßer die Glocken nie klingen
- Sweet Betsy from Pike
- Tao Tao Po
- Teddy Bear
- Thanksgiving
- That is What He Say
- The Other Day I Met a Bear
- There Came to My Window
- There Was an Old Woman Tossed Up in a Basket
- There’s a Meeting Here Tonight
- This House is Haunted (Calliope)
- Tideo
- Tingalayo
- Tip Toe Song
- To Market
- Train Song
- Tussen Keulen en Parijs
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
- Two in the Middle
- Úgy tetszik, hogy jó helyen vagyunk itt
- Ulili E
- Un elefante se balanceaba
- Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree
- Vindum vindum vefjum band
- Vyletěla holubička
- Walk Together Children
- Watchman Tell Us of the Night
- Wee Willie Winkie
- Welcome Song
- What Did You Have for Your Supper?
- When Goldilocks Went to the House of the Bears
- When Papa Put the Paper on the Wall
- When the Ice-Worms Nest Again
- Wiegenlied
- Wildwood Flower
- Wind the Bobbin Up
- Wo schlafen Bärenkinder
- Wolf in the Hen House
- Xiao maolu
- Yes Come Dear Dear Christmas
- Zabelinha tecedeira
- Zakdoekje leggen
- Zudio
- A la rorro niño
- A Qua Qua
- Å vil du hava meg til å kveda
- ABC Song
- Abiyoyo
- Abreme la puerta
- Ah! vous dirai-je, maman
- Aijā žūžū lāča bērni
- Alle meine Entchen
- Ally Bally
- Am pierdut o batistuţă
- Amawole
- America (My Country ‘Tis of Thee)
- Apple Tree
- Ata’ki mi boka
- Auf der Mauer auf der Lauer
- Baa Baa Black Sheep
- Baby Bye Here’s a Fly
- Baby’s Night
- Baloo Baleerie
- Bassez Down
- Bear Away, Yankee, Bear Away, Boy
- Bebe Moke
- Billy Barlow
- Black Snake
- Blossoms on the Apple Tree
- Blow Boys Blow
- Bluebells
- Bluebird
- Boil Them Cabbage Down
- Bonnie Blue Flag
- Bonse aba
- Button You Must Wander
- Cae, cae globito
- California
- Can Ye Sew Cushions
- Caracol col col
- Carmen Carmela
- Cedar Swamp
- Cherries Ripe
- Christmas Day
- Christmas Song
- Churippu
- Clocks of Rondaine
- Colorado Trail
- Come Rejoicing Praises Voicing
- Coral
- Corre corre al portalico
- Cripple Creek
- Cuckoo Waltz
- Cumberland Gap
- Cut the Cake
- De colores
- Dodo ti pitit manman
- Doi Doi Doi Doiya Baba
- Donkey Donkey Old and Gray
- Down by the Banks of the Hanky Panky
- Down in the Jungle
- Down to the Baker’s Shop
- Dry Weather Houses
- Duérmete mi niño
- Eagle Dance Song
- Early One Morning
- Easter
- El cocherito
- El farolero
- El florón
- El perrito chino
- Embaata Ento
- En passant par la Lorraine
- Er is een kindeke geboren op aard
- Es ist für uns eine Zeit angekommen
- Esta sí que es Nochebuena
- Fiddle-De-Dee
- Fire Down Below
- For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow
- Fox
- Ging Gang Goolie
- Give Me Oil in My Lamp
- Give Said the Little Stream
- Golden Boat Song
- Good Morning
- Grafted Into the Army
- Green Grow the Lilacs
- Había una vez un barquito chiquitito
- Hai cocuță
- Happy New Year (Hark, Hark)
- Here Sits a Monkey
- Hickety Pickety My Black Hen
- Hickory Dickory Dock
- Hogs in the Cornfield
- Homespun Dress
- Hop Marjanneke
- I’d Like to Be in Texas When They Roundup in the Spring
- In de Maneschijn
- Injit Injit Semut
- Irish Washerwoman
- It Rained a Mist
- Jimmy Rose He Went to Town
- Juan Pirulero
- Keep in the Middle of the Road
- Klondike Gold Rush
- Knock the Cymbals
- Ku’u Ipo Ika He’e Pueone
- Kum Ba Ya
- La Adelita
- La rama
- La vaca eres tú
- Las chiapanecas
- Las posadas
- Leron Leron Sinta
- Linstead Market
- Little Black Ant
- Little Jumping Joan
- Little Red Caboose
- Longing for Spring
- Love Came Down at Christmas
- Lurlaline
- Lynchburg Town
- Ma’Rencong Rencong
- Mama Buy Me a Chiney Doll
- Matarile
- Maua Mazuri
- Mazurek Dąbrowskiego
- Michael Row the Boat Ashore
- Miruj miruj srce moje
- Mizpah
- Mnohaya lita
- Mo Ruarachan
- Mo Li Hua
- Moja mbil tatu
- Mwalimu wetu hapendi kelele
- My Foot’s in the Stirrup
- My Lord What a Mornin’
- My Valentines
- Naughty Kitty Cat
- Now the Day is Over
- Now to All a Kind Goodnight
- O Lebisibiyo
- Obwisana
- Oh California
- Oh oh the Sunshine
- Oh Watch the Stars
- Old Chisholm Trail
- Old Settler’s Song
- On a Summer Day
- One Ship Drives East
- Over in the Meadow
- Page’s Train
- Pastorcitos del monte venid
- Peas Porridge Hot
- Piiri pieni pyörii
- Pirouette cacahuète
- Pjevaj mi pjevaj sokole
- Planting a Garden
- Pumpkin Pumpkin
- Pussy Cat Pussy Cat
- Que llueva
- Radujte se narodi
- Reuben and Rachel
- Saint Patrick Was a Gentleman
- Sal de ahí chivita chivita
- Sapateia
- Scraping Up Sand
- Shepherds in Judea
- Silently Falling Snow
- Simple Simon
- Soft Music is Stealing
- Soleram
- Somebody’s Knocking at Your Door
- Star of the East
- Stars of the Summer Night
- Steal Away to Jesus
- Štědrý večer nastal
- Što mi e milo
- Strawberry Girl
- Suliram
- Suse Liebe Suse
- Suo Gan
- Tell Me My Children
- There’s a Little Wheel
- This Lady She Wears a Dark Green Shawl
- This Old Man
- Three Blue Pigeons
- To the West
- Toi si bonne
- Tongo
- Tree Toad
- ‘Twas a Wonder in Heaven
- Twelve Gates To The City
- Up on the Housetop
- Vamos todos a Belén
- Vine vine primăvara
- Wallflowers
- Wann Ich Vun Dem Land Rei Kumm
- Washington and Lincoln
- Washington’s Birthday
- Wassail Bough
- Wau Bulan
- Weather Song
- What Shall We Do When We All Go Out?
- Who Has the Ring
- Who Will Come With Me (Jolly Rover)
- Winter’s Past
- Ya vienen los reyes magos
- Zebra Dun
- Ali Baba’s Farm (Ali Babanın çiftliği)
- Auld Lang Syne
- Bä Bä Vita Lamm
- Baby Dear
- Bear Went Over the Mountain
- Bed Time
- Blow Your Trumpet Gabriel
- Cape Cod Chantey
- Capra Capretta
- Clouds
- Coffee Grows on White Oak Trees
- Cradle Hymn
- Crocodile Song
- De Frühlig isch au scho uf d’Berge cho
- Dollar Dollar
- Donkey Riding
- Emma Lou My Darling
- Farmer is the Man
- Firefighters
- Flag Going By
- For Patriots’ Day
- Friendly Beasts
- Good Night to You All
- Goodbye Old Paint
- Hajej nynjej
- Happy New Year (Greek)
- Hill and Gully Rider
- I’m Going Down the Road Feeling Bad
- Jehovah Hallelujah
- Little Jesus Sweetly Sleep
- Mama Zamanha Gaya
- Musica est Dei donum optimi
- My Dog Rags
- Nesem vám noviny
- North Wind
- Nu’uanu Mele
- Old Molly Hare
- Old Santa Claus
- On Mules You’ll Find
- Op een grote paddestoel
- Palomita
- Push the Business On
- Roogooroogoo
- Sampung Mga Daliri
- San Sereni
- Santa Claus
- Sweetly Sleep
- There is Joy in Every Day
- Tree Song
- Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy
- Was bringt der Weihnachtsmann?
- Way Up in the Sky
- Windy Bill
- Yo tengo un duro
- Ystäväni, tuttavani
- 1,2,3,4,5 Once I Caught a Fish Alive
- A Ho’e
- A Kona Hema ‘O Ka Lani
- A la puerta del cielo
- A Life on the Ocean Wave
- A Song for Sailors and Soldiers
- A Song of Ships
- ABC tumble Down D
- Ach Ja
- Adam Had Seven Sons
- Aiken Drum
- Ain’t Gonna Grieve My Lord No More
- All Around the Racetrack
- All My Heart This Night Rejoices
- All Through the Night (Welsh)
- Alla fiera di Mastr’Andrè
- Alle eendjes
- Alligator
- Amazing Grace
- Ame Ame
- April Vacation (Spring Break)
- Arirang
- Arise O Compatriots
- Arre borriquito
- As With Gladness Men of Old
- Auprès de ma blonde
- Away in a Manger
- Ay del chiquirritín
- Ay tituy
- Be Kind to Your Web-Footed Friends
- Bell is Ringing
- Bells
- Bjørnen sover
- Blow the Wind Southerly
- Bohunkus
- Bonnie Doon
- Boom Boom Ain’t it Great to Be Crazy
- Boomba
- Bright Rosy Morning
- Bring Me Little Water Sylvie
- Bulldog
- Campana sobre campana
- Can nənə
- Careless Love
- Carolina
- Chan Mali Chan
- Charlotte Town
- Cherry Tree Carol
- Chesapeake and Shannon
- Chicken on the Fence Post
- Child of God
- Cindy
- Cockles and Mussels (Molly Malone)
- Columbus Day
- Come and Go With Me to That Land
- Come, Come, Come
- Cotton Eyed Joe
- Crawdad Hole
- Cublak-Cublak Suweng
- Dà xiàng
- Dan Doo
- Dance Like a Butterfly
- Dancer in the Moonlight
- Dancing and Whirling
- Dear Old Santa Claus
- Den yndigste rose er funden
- Der Winter ist vergangen
- Di sini senang
- Die Blümelein sie schlafen
- Do Do Pity My Case
- Do Lord
- Doha ya doha
- Dona Nobis Pacem
- Doodle Doo Doo
- Dr. Knickerbocker
- Drop Peter Drop
- Ehitame Maja
- Ein Männlein steht im Walde
- Eins zwei drei vier fünf sechs sieben
- El charro
- El payaso Plim Plim
- El rorro
- El sapo
- El tren
- El zapatero
- En lille nisse rejste
- Erdő, erdő, erdő
- Es Es Es Und Es
- Et barn er født i Betlehem
- Et Lá-Bas
- Evening Bell
- Everybody Loves Saturday Night / Bobo waro fero Satodeh
- Fall Leaves
- Father Grumble
- Feng Yang (Flower Drum Song)
- Fiafia ‘O Lo’u Loto
- Five Fat Turkeys
- Flag of ‘76
- Fram fram fylking
- Frog Went A-Courtin’
- Fröhliche Weihnacht überall
- Garai pano
- Geylang Si Paku Geylang
- Git Along Little Dogies
- Gloucestershire Wassail
- Going Over the Sea
- Good King Wenceslas
- Good Morning Song
- Good Morning to You Children Dear
- Good Night (Going Home)
- Green Grass Grows All Around
- Greens
- Grizzly Bear
- Halloween Fun
- Happy Birthday to You
- Happy is the Miller
- Hear the Christmas Bells
- Heaven Bell a Ring
- Here is the Sea
- Hey Diddle Diddle
- Highland Dey
- Hippity Hop
- Ho Ho Ho Hosanna
- Hold My Mule
- Holly and the Ivy
- How Do You Do
- How Many Miles to Bethlehem
- Hurra for deg som fyller ditt år
- Hush-a-by Baby
- Hvor såre lidet vil der til
- I Caught a Rabbit
- I Had a Little Hen
- I Had a Little Sailboat
- I Want to Rise in the Early Morn
- I Wish I Was a Little Bird
- I’ve Been to Harlem
- If All the Raindrops
- If I Were a Bird
- Ikan kekek
- Il était une bergère
- In Bethlehem City
- In May
- Iowa Corn Song
- It Ain’t Gonna Rain No More
- J’aime la galette
- Jack Frost
- Jenny Jenkins
- John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
- Jolly Farmer
- Jolly Tester
- Ka Lei Ho`ohie
- Kancho
- Keemo Kymo
- Kreuztanz
- La gallina ponicana
- La pájara pinta
- La primavera
- La vibora de la mar
- Läbi lume sahiseva
- Lang zal ze/hij leven
- Las estrellitas
- Las mañanitas
- Laylat al-Milad
- Lei Onaona
- Let Me Fly
- Levee Moan
- Life in the Army
- Limerick Song
- Linda noite de Natal
- Listen to the Mockingbird
- Little Boy Blue
- Little Dustman
- Little Jack Horner
- Little Johnny Brown
- Little Lamb
- Loch Lomond
- Lumberman’s Alphabet
- Mai Hô`eu`eu Mai `Oe
- Make New Friends
- Mama Don’t ‘Low
- Marcha Real
- Mary Had a Baby
- Mennyből az angyal
- Merry Christmas
- Mi chacra
- Mi smo djeca vesela
- Mister Rabbit
- Mistress More
- Mon Papa
- Monday Morning Go to School
- Monkey and the Zebra
- Monkey See Monkey Do
- Morning Song
- Mravaljamier
- My Aunt Jane
- My Big Black Dog
- Nadal tindaire
- Naranja dulce
- Nature’s Easter Song
- Night-Herding Song
- Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen
- North Wind, The
- Nu er det jul igen
- O Hal’lwe
- Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone
- Old Gray Goose
- Old Gray Mare
- Old McDonald
- Old Year and New Year
- Old Zion’s Children
- On Christmas Day in the Morning
- On the Banks of the Old Tennessee
- Once in Royal David’s City
- Once Long Ago
- One More River
- One Two Three Aleerie
- Õnne soovime sul
- Oranges and Lemons
- Our Flag is There
- Panjang umurnya
- Paruparong Bukid
- Past Three O’Clock
- Peace Like a River
- Peep Squirrel
- Phelng chang
- Phoebe in Her Petticoat
- Polly Put the Kettle On
- Pray God Bless
- Presentation Song
- Psaropoula
- Purple Stew
- Raccoon and Possum
- Raindrops Song
- Ranwan patai samanalaya
- Ranz des vaches (Kuhreihen)
- Rattlin’ Bog
- Red River Valley
- Rida Rida Ranka
- Riddle
- Rin Rin
- Ringlein Ringlein du musst wandern
- Rock About My Saro Jane
- Rowing
- Saeng-il chughahabnida
- Sailing in the Boat
- Sailing on the Ocean
- Savalivali
- Se me ha perdido una niña
- Semira Semira
- Shoo, Shoo, Shoo-Lye
- Shosholoza
- Sing Your Way Home
- Sit Down Brother
- Snail
- Snow
- Songaji
- So ro godt barn
- Solas Market
- Some Folks
- Son tre notti che non dormo
- Song of All Songs
- Song of the Fishes
- Sourwood Mountain
- St. Valentine’s Day
- Sailor’s Alphabet
- Sana hulwat ya jamil
- Some Folks
- Song of the Watch
- Summer is Coming
- Sun Don’t Set in the Morning
- Sussex Carol
- Suutarin emännän kehtolaulu
- Swapping Song
- Sweet Nightingale
- Tanabata-sama
- Te aroha
- Ten Green Bottles
- Texas Rangers
- Thank You for this Chris’mus
- Thanksgiving Day (version 2)
- Thanksgiving Song2
- There’s a Hole in the Bucket
- There’s a Song in the Air
- This Endris Night
- This Train
- Thread Follows the Needle
- Tick-Tock
- Tina Singu
- Tired Scarecrow
- To Babyland
- Tou ke mahe bolande asemooni
- Trade Song
- Tribal Prayer
- Tsu dayn geburtstog
- Turtle Dove
- Twankydillo
- Two Maids Went A-Milking One Day
- Ugah Ugah
- Un amigo me enseño
- Un Canadien errant
- Un deux trois
- Un lorito de Verapaz
- Uncle Jessie
- Upon a Lowly Manger
- Upward Trail
- Vacation Days are Here
- Valentine
- Valentines (When days…)
- Venez venez Saint Nicolas
- Village Watchman
- Waken Christian Children
- Wassail Wassail All Over the Town
- Way Over in the Blooming Garden
- Weevily Wheat
- What’ll We Do with the Baby-O
- Wheels on the Bus
- When the Saints Go Marching In
- When the Wind is in the East
- While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks
- Wind Blow East
- Wind Blows High
- Y’a un rat
- Yo tengo una casita
- Yonder Comes Sister Mary
- Zhù nǐ shēngrì kuàilè
- Zō san
- A Morning Hymn
- A Pedro como era calvo
- All Night All Day
- Alligator
- Aloha ‘Oe
- Amasee
- Arroz con leche
- Au clair de la lune
- Autumn Leaves
- Baby Bumblebee
- Big Sheep
- Bill Grogan’s Goat
- Black Sheep Black Sheep
- Boil Them Cabbage Down
- Bright Morning Star
- Charlie Over the Ocean
- Chatter With the Angels
- Christmastime Has Come Again
- City Blues
- Come All Ye Young Sailormen
- Come Little Leaves
- Ding Dong Merrily on High
- Doctor Katchel
- Dog and Cat
- Dog Tick
- Down By the Bay
- Down by the Greenwood Sidey-o
- Down By the Riverside
- Down the River / Down the Ohio
- Ducks in the Millpond
- E Papa Waiari
- Eh Soom Boo Kawaya
- El rancho grande
- En la feria de San Juan
- En roulant
- Et Lá-Bas
- Fairy Ship
- Free Little Bird
- Git on Board
- Glides Our Canoe
- Good Night Ladies
- Great Mornin’
- Heaven Heaven (I’ve Got a Robe)
- Here We Go to Baltimore
- Hey Betty Martin
- Hey Rachichki
- Hine e Hine
- Hop-tu-naa
- Hurihuri
- I Want to Rise in the Early Morn
- I’m Gonna Sing When the Spirit Says Sing
- If You’re Happy and You Know It
- Il court le furet
- Inuit Lullaby
- Iny hono izy ravorombazaha
- Jesse James
- John Henry
- Johnny Get Your Hair Cut
- Jolly Miller
- Jolly Old St. Nicholas
- Juba
- Keemo Kymo
- Kicking Mule
- Kokoleoko
- La bamba
- La Brabançonne
- La piñata
- Little Lap-Dog Lullaby
- Mary and Martha
- Matarile
- Monkey See Monkey Do
- Moonlight Bay
- Morning Song (Yokut Tachi)
- Moş Crăciun cu plete dalbe
- Muffin Man
- My Father’s House
- My Grandfather’s Clock
- My Horses Ain’t Hungry
- My Little Dog
- Newborn Baby
- Night-Herding Song
- Ning Wendete
- Oft in the Stilly Night
- Old Brass Wagon
- Old Gray Cat
- Our Old Sow
- Peas Porridge Hot
- Perry Merry Dictum Dominee
- Poi Waka
- Rain or Shine
- Rattlin’ Bog
- Ridin’ of a Goat, Leadin’ of a Sheep
- Risseldy Rosseldy
- Rock Island Line
- Rocky Island
- Rose Rose and Up She Rises
- Round the Corner Sally
- Sandie Toy
- Seesaw Up and Down
- She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain
- Shepherds Rejoice
- Shine On
- Silver and Gold Have I None
- Singing in the Land
- Sleepy Time
- Snake Baked a Hoecake
- Sobre las olas
- St. Louis Blues
- Standin’ on the Platform
- Swannanoa Town
- Sweet Water Rolling
- Sweetheart Out A-Hunting
- Swing Low Sweet Chariot
- Tallis’ Canon
- Tennessee
- There Was a Man and He Was Mad
- There’s a Light in the Window
- There’s Music in the Air
- This Little Light of Mine
- Thumbkin Says “I’ll Dance”
- Tortuga concha
- Tottenham Toad
- Train Song
- U to vrijeme godišta
- Unuku
- Wabash Cannonball
- Wake a Song of Joy and Gladness
- Wake Me
- Wáng lǎo xiān sheng yǒu kuài de
- Weaver John
- When Billy Was One
- Who Built the Ark
- Who is He in Yonder Stall
- Worried Man Blues
- Xtoles
- Yankee Doodle
- Yellow Rose of Texas