Lyrics - Fiji
(Folk song from Fiji)
Bula Maleya kei Viti talega
Cauravou era yalo qaqa
Vosa na wai e vakalasalasa
Ni bula ni bula kece sara
Nanumi Viti vanua lailai
Nona sasaga me toro cake mai
Tubu ko Viti me rogo edai
Vuravura Maleya me kilai
E da sa mai veikune tale
Me noda tu na lagilagi
E da sa cibicibitaka yani
Yaca i Viti vua na ranadi
English Translation – Greetings Malaya
Greetings Malaya and Fiji also
All the young men are very strong
Talking to the sea, gives me happiness
Hello, hello everyone
Remember Fiji, a small country
With a will to move forward
Fiji will grow to be famous
For Malaya to be known in the world
We found each other again
We will celebrate gloriously
We patriotically declare
The name of Fiji for the honour of the Queen
See also
- Country: Fiji
- Harmony: chords I, IV, V
- Meter: 2
- Scale: major
- info about the song
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody