(American folk song)
When I was in Tennessee
Sittin’ in an easy chair,
My true love along my side,
A-combing her lovely hair.
I shoo, oh lady, shoo,
I shoo, oh lady shy,
Shoo, oh lady, shoo, my love,
And I’m going to Tennessee.
Jaybird in an acorn tree,
Shaking acorns down,
My true love in an sugar tree
Shaking sugar down. Refrain
I went up on the hillside,
And gave my horn a blow,
I thought I heard the birds a-calling
Yonder comes by beau. Refrain
See also
- Country: Southeastern States (US)
- Subjects: horns / love
- Form: AB
- Harmony: I IV V chords / Orff arrangements
- Melody: D,E,G,A,B
- Meter: 4
- Rhythm:
- Scale: pentatonic
- Tones: drmsl
- Source: Singing in Harmony,Ginn and Company, 1957
- PDF of song with chords + Orff arrangement
- MIDI file
- Listen to the song