There was a bee-i-ee-i-ee
Sat on a wall-i-all-i-all
And he went buzz-i-uzz-i-uzz
And that was all-i-all-i-all
There was a pup-i-up-i-up
Sat on a bee-i-ee-i-ee
Someone went ki-yi-yi-yi-yi
And that was he-i-ee-i-ee
See also
- Subjects: silly / insects / dogs
- Harmony: ostinati / I IV V chords
- Melody: low & high do / re / ti / repeated tones / paper xylophones
- Meter: 4
- Rhythm: / / syncopation (ostinato)
- Scale: hexatonic
- Timbre: Boomwhackers
- Tones: drmslt
or purchase here (printables only)
- Scale Handouts with Boomwhacker colors & Paper Xylophone Handout.
- PDF of song with chords + Lesson ideas
- MIDI file
- Listen to the song