- All Join Hands and Circle to the Left
- Andy Pandy
- Angel Band
- Animal Fair
- Autumn Leaves of Red and Gold
- Baby Born Today
- Billy Boy
- Brinca la tablita
- Buckeye Jim
- Built My Lady a Fine Brick House
- Chi Chi Bud Oh
- Chocolate molinillo
- Christmas Bells (ring)
- Chumbara
- Come Through the Sawmill
- Cucú cucú cantaba la rana
- Cumberland Mountain Deer Chase
- Day-O (Banana Boat Song)
- ¿Dónde están las llaves?
- Dong, Dong, Dongdaemun
- Dva Pivnyky
- Early to Bed
- El juego chirimbolo
- El meu capell
- El tortillero
- Five Big Dump Trucks
- Frosty Weather
- Fukien Boat Song
- Holly Bears a Berry
- Funga Alafia
- Glockenjodler
- Goder morgon i denna sal
- Gom Se Mali
- Good Morning to You
- Hello There
- Hey Lidee
- Hopping Dance
- Hush-a-Bye Baby Bye
- I Ali-i No ‘Oe
- I Don’t Care if the Rain Comes Down
- Instrument Song
- Jeremiah Blow the Fire
- Jugando al escondite
- Karga İle Tilki
- La calle Ancha (La fuente)
- La Sinda
- List to the Bells
- Little Drummer
- Lundi matin
- Ma’ Teodora
- Mam chusteczkę haftowaną
- Mary Ann
- Morsgrisar är vi allihopa
- Now to All a Kind Good Night
- Pásli ovce valaši
- Pec Nám Spadla
- Pin Pon
- Porsaita Äidin Oomme Kaikki
- Open the Window Noah
- Play A Simple Melody
- Rattle Sna-wa-wake
- Reach for the Sky
- Rig-a-Jig-Jig
- Rub a Dub Dub
- Sailors Sailing on the Sea
- Santoki
- Små grodorna
- Starving to Death on a Government Claim
- Ta-ra-ra Boom-de-ay
- Teddy Bear
- Tengo una muñeca vestida de azul
- Tepuk Amai-Amai
- Tere tere tetermatsi
- There’s a Brown Girl in the Ring
- Three Blind Mice
- Three Craw
- Umupo Po Kayo
- Uno de enero
- Valentines
- Velo que bonito
- Welcome Here
- Wheat
- Wishy Washy Wee
- Wolf in the Hen House
- Yo tenia diez perritos
- A Tisket A Tasket
- A Virgin Most Pure
- A-Working on the Railroad
- A, a, a, der Winter, der ist da
- Agua de limón
- All Around the Buttercup
- All the Little Ducks Go Upside Down
- Ambos a dos
- Autumn Leaves Now are Falling
- Ball Passing Game
- Balooloo My Lammie
- Bantama Kra Kro
- Biddy Biddy
- Buffalo Gals
- Built My Lady a Fine Brick House
- Cai cai balão
- Chand Utheche Ful Futeche
- Christ was Born on Christmas Day
- Diarra loro lora
- Dipidu
- Dodo Baby Do
- Dornröschen
- Down in the Valley
- Down in the Valley (Two by Two)
- Dreidel Song
- Early to Bed
- Ég a gyertya ég
- Elefanttimarssi
- Ene ‘andi koura
- Every Night When the Sun Goes In
- Fais dodo Colas mon p’tit frère
- Farfallina bella e bianca
- Fire in the Mountain
- Ftayri ya ftayri
- Fukien Boat Song
- Ghum parani mashi pishi
- Going to Kentucky
- Gray Squirrel
- Great Big House in New Orleans
- Hänschen klein
- Hato Popo
- He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands
- Here Comes a Blue Bird
- Here We Go Looby Loo
- Hey Lolly Lolly
- Hi-Dee-Roon
- Hoe Ana
- Hoedje van Papier
- Housekeeping
- Hunt the Cows
- Hush-a-Bye
- I Fed My Horse
- I Have a Car
- I’m a Nut
- I’m Going to Georgia
- I’m Stretching Very Tall
- Ida Red
- In a Fine Castle
- Inanay
- It’s Raining
- Iwe Kiko
- Johnny Works with One Hammer
- Kangaroo
- Katie Bairdie
- King’s Land
- Kuckuck, Kuckuck
- Kum Bachur Atzel
- La lluna la pruna
- La tía Mónica
- Lady Lady
- Lightly Row
- Listen Listen Here I Come
- Little Bird Little Bird
- Little Chickens
- Little Sally Walker (walkin’ down the street)
- London Bridge
- Look Away to Bethlehem
- Lost My Gold Ring
- Lovely May
- Lullaby
- Lullaby (Flowers are closed)
- Mā is White
- Macoway
- Mama Ngudi
- Marko skače
- Mary Come A-Running
- Moon Song
- Muana Moké
- Muti Muhande Rui-ini
- New River Train
- Nila Nila odi vaa
- Niño Manuelito (Bolivia)
- Niño Manuelito (Peru)
- Oh Dear What Can the Matter Be
- Old Dog Blue
- Oma Rāpeti
- On a Mountain
- Ongi Ongi Ongella
- Pay Me My Money Down
- Pen Pen de Sarapen
- Pitter Patter
- Piva piva
- Plonie ognisko w lesie
- Podul de piatră
- Pop Goes the Weasel
- Pussy Cat
- Railroad Cars are Coming
- Ring Around the Border
- Ringe Ringe Raja
- Rock-a-My Soul
- Rocky Mountain
- Ron Ron Ron
- Rosy My Posy
- Roti Rösli
- Round and Round the Garden
- Så går vi rundt om en enebærbusk
- Saco una manita
- Sailor Sailor on the Sea
- Sandman Comes
- Savez vous planter les choux
- Sea Shell
- Sedi Ćira na vrh slame
- Shine Like a Star in the Morning
- Sindi
- Slaap Kindje Slaap
- Spring’s Message
- Summ Summ Summ
- Sweetly Sings the Donkey
- Teddy Bear
- The More We Get Together
- This is the Way You Build a Bridge
- Thorn Rosa
- Tony Chestnut
- Train is A-Comin’
- Trei păstori
- Tsuki
- Tu Tu Gbovi
- Two Pigeons
- Violette à bicyclette
- Watah Come a Me Eye
- We zijn er bijna
- Who Has the Penny
- Who’s That Tapping at the Window
- Willowbee
- Winter ade
- With Voices Merry
- Who are You
- Yoo Hoo
- À la volette
- A mi burro le duele la cabeza
- A Ram Sam Sam
- A Song of Bread
- Achshav
- Ah! Mon beau château
- Ain’t Gonna Rain
- Ainsi font, font, font
- Air Pasang Pagi
- Al pavo pavito
- Alabama Gal
- Albuquerque Turkey
- Allee Allee O
- Allison’s Camel
- Aloha Nu’uanu
- Alouette
- Angel Band
- Anile Anile Odi Vaa
- Apples and Bananas
- Arbor Day
- As I Sat On a Sunny Bank
- As I Walked Out One Holiday
- Australia’s on the Wallaby
- Awe bebëe
- Ay-Zuzuma
- Bá luóbo
- Ba-Be-Bi-Bo-Bu
- Ball Passing Game
- Balm in Gilead
- Bangun tidur
- Barnacle Bill
- Beaver Dam Road
- Bee-Ba-Babity
- Bees’ Party
- Bickle Bockle
- Big Corral
- Billy Billy
- Bo Bo Ski Watten Tatten
- Boll Weevil
- Bonbolontena
- Bow Belinda
- Bow Wow Wow
- Brown-Eyed Mary
- C-a-f-f-e-e
- Carol Children Carol
- Charlie Over the Water
- Chase That Squirrel
- Chichipapa
- Christmas a Come
- Christmas Game
- Ciranda Cirandinha
- Clap Clap Clap Your Hands
- Clear Cool Pond
- Clementine
- Coasting
- Come Let Us Gather
- Columbus Sailed with Three Ships
- Come to School
- Connecticut Peddler
- Cowboy, The
- Cowboys’ Gettin’-Up Holler
- Cuckoo
- Daar was laatst een meisje loos
- Dance Thumbkin Dance
- Darling Go to Rest
- Das Steckenpferd
- Dau gi bach
- Dawda Sanneh
- Dem Bones Gonna Rise Again
- Den pernas kyra Maria
- Der Guggug uf em düüre Ascht
- Der Kuckuck und der Esel
- Did You Ever See a Lassie
- Down By the Station
- Ein Schneider fing ‘ne Maus
- Ein Vogel wollte Hochzeit machen (Die Vogelhochzeit)
- El cucú
- El tambor de la alegria
- El Tio Fresco
- Engine
- Entendez-sous sur l’ormeau
- Es tanzt ein Bi-Ba-Butzemann
- Es wearn die Wiesn grian
- Es wird scho glei dumpa
- Esa noche yo bailá
- Eshururu
- Evening Shades
- Everybody’s Welcome
- Farmer (on the lowland)
- Farmer in the Dell
- Farmyard
- Father Abraham
- Fein sein beinander bleiben
- Fishpole Song
- Five Brown Eggs
- Five Currant Buns
- Five Little Ducks
- Follow Me
- Follow the Leader
- Fortune
- Found a Peanut
- Fourth of July
- Frog in the Bog
- Froh zu sein bedarf es wenig
- Glad October Days
- Go On Old Gator
- Go Round the Mountain
- Goin’ Down to Cairo
- Goodbye Julie
- Good Night
- Grandma Grunts
- Grandma Moses
- Greeting Song
- Ha’Sukkah Mah Yafah
- Hail Hail the Gang’s All Here
- Haiye Kirumberumbe
- Hanging Out the Linen Clothes
- Hanohano E
- Hark Hark Dogs Do Bark
- Hark! Hear the Siren
- Hashewie
- Highland Fairy Lullaby
- Himmel und Erde müssen vergeh’n
- Hojt pa en gren en krage / High on a Branch (Sim Sala Bim)
- Hole in the Middle of the Sea
- Hoosen Johnny
- Hop Hop Hop Nimble as a Top
- Hops in the Nest
- How Many Miles to Babylon
- Hrály dudy u pobudy
- Hush Little Baby
- I am a Fine Musician
- I Hear Thunder
- I Pick Up My Hoe
- I Took a Walk to Town One Day
- I’s the B’y
- Ich geh mit meiner Laterne
- Ik zou zo graag een koeike kopen
- In and Out the Dusty Bluebells
- Irish Trot
- Itsy Bitsy Spider
- Já jsem muzikant
- Jacky Stand Still
- Je suis un artiste
- Jing-Ga-Ring
- Johnny Grotto
- Journey of the Leaves
- Juguemos en el bosque
- Jump Shamador
- Kakke Kakke Koodevide
- Kapulu Kane
- Killy Kranky
- King’s Land
- Kis karácsony nagy karácsony
- Kits kilu karja
- Kitty White
- Konopki
- Kring Kring Ada Sepeda
- Kuma San
- La canción de los números
- La cucaracha
- La mulți ani
- La rana
- La raspa
- La vaca Lola
- Laredo
- Le coq est mort
- Le joli tambour
- Le pastouriau
- Lead Through That Sugar and Tea
- Leavin’ Old Texas
- Let Us Endeavor
- Let Us Sing Together
- Lille kattepus
- Lima anak ayam
- Little Bunny Foo Foo
- Little Cabin in the Wood
- Little Green Frog
- Little King Brogan
- Little White Daisies
- Long-Legged Sailor
- Little Red Engine
- Little Red Wagon
- Lone Star Trail
- Long Time Ago
- Lord is My Shepherd
- Los pollos de mi cazuela
- Mama, Bake That Johnny Cake, Christmas Comin’
- Mango Walk
- Manuia lou aso fānau
- Mariner’s Hymn
- Mary Wore Her Red Dress
- Maying Song
- Meine Mühle
- Měla babka čtyři jabka
- Merrily Merrily Sing
- Meunier tu dors
- Miaou miaou la nuit dernière
- Michael Finnegan
- Michie Bainjo
- Mill-Wheel
- Miller Boy
- Miss Jenny Jones
- Miss Maggie
- Mrs. Macaroni
- Mulberry Bush
- Music Alone Shall Live
- My Aunt Came Back
- My Dame Hath a Lame Tame Crane
- My Hand On My Head
- My Little Rooster
- Nabiya
- Nebo i zemlia nyni torzhestvuiut
- Needle’s Eye
- New Year Tell Us
- Nkomo Meka
- No Bears Out Tonight
- No No Yes Yes
- Now We are Singing
- Nuts in May
- O ce veste minunată
- Oats Peas Beans
- Oh Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie
- Oh I’m Going to Sing
- Oh My Monster Frankenstein
- Old Abe Lincoln Came Out of the Wilderness
- Old Bell Cow
- Old Blue
- Old Clock
- Old King Glory
- Old Mother Hubbard
- Old Old Shack
- Old Sister Phoebe
- Olele Moliba Makasi
- On a Mountain
- On Christmas Night
- Once an Austrian Went Yodeling
- One Bottle of Pop
- One Finger One Thumb
- One More Day
- One Two Three O’Leary
- Open Shut Them
- Our Country
- Paa Tuhod Balikat Ulo
- Panama’m Tombe
- Patito
- Pato patito
- Patsy Ory Ory Aye
- Paw Paw Patch
- Petit Papa, c’est aujourd’hui ta fête
- Play for Ma Dogoma
- Pomme de reinette
- Pop Goes the Weasel
- Pray God Bless
- Promenons-nous dans les bois (Loup y es-tu?)
- Put Your Little Foot
- Qikitat Iingalat
- Qué linda manita
- Rabbit Ain’t Got No Tail
- Raining Again Today
- Reveille
- Right Hand Bow
- Rise Sugar Rise
- Robin-a-Thrush
- Rock To Get Ready for School
- Roll That Brown Jug Down to Town
- Roll the Chariot
- Rosen Fra Fyn
- Sá ég spóa
- Saeya saeya parangsaeya
- Sambalele
- Sandy Land
- Sandy McNab
- Santy Maloney
- Schlof Bobbli Schlof
- Schlaf Kindlein schlaf
- Scions du bois
- Serkenj fel kegyes nép
- Seven Days in a Week
- Seven Joys of Mary
- Shanghai Chicken
- Simple Gifts
- Sing Gaily Sing
- Sing Ivy
- Singen is inser Freid
- Singing
- Six Little Ducks
- Skip To My Lou
- Slumber Song
- Sur le Pont d’Avignon
- Susan Brown
- Svim na Zemlji mir veselje
- Swallow Goodbye
- Sweet Potatoes
- Tàihú Chuán
- Tan patate-là tchuite
- Tankō Bushi
- Ten in the Bed
- Thanksgiving Day
- Thanksgiving Round
- That’s a Mighty Pretty Motion
- There Goes a Red Bird Through the Window
- There Was a Great Big Moose
- Thief
- This is the Way
- Three Jolly Fishermen
- Three Little Pigs
- Ti zwazo
- Tik Tik Tik Ya Em Slaiman
- To a River
- Today is Monday
- Todos los patitos
- Tom the Piper’s Son
- Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day
- Trail to Mexico
- Tuli-Lule
- Twenty-Four Robbers
- Twenty Froggies
- Uç uç böceğim
- Un pericotito
- Vamos a la mar
- Walking Walking
- Watch That Lady
- We Born Dey
- We’re Going Round the Mountain
- Weather
- Weave the Wadmal
- What Makes the Wild Cat Wild
- When I was a Shoemaker
- When I Was a Young Maid
- Where is Thumbkin
- Whistle Mary
- Who’ll Buy My Roses
- Wilhelmus van Nassouwe
- Winter Cheer
- Wise Man Built His House
- Who did Swallow Jonah
- Whoa Mule
- Yağ satarım bal satarım
- Yonder She Comes
- Yon Yonson
- Zacchaeus
- A la rueda de San Miguel
- À Paris sur un petit cheval gris
- A-Working on the Railroad
- Ain’t Gonna Ring No More
- Al citron
- Alabama Gal
- All Around the Buttercup
- All Through the Night
- Babylon’s Falling
- Ball Passing Game
- Bartolo tenía una flauta
- Bebi Notsa
- Bele Mama
- Buy a Penny Ginger
- C’è una Cocca Nera
- Cajemé
- Chichipapa
- Chickamy Chickamy Craney Crow
- Cinco lobitos
- Closet Key
- Come Let’s Sing a Merry Round
- D’où viens-tu, bergère?
- Ding ding kende e’haku
- Dipidu
- Down By the Station
- Down in the Valley (Two by Two)
- Es war eine Mutter
- Estaba la calavera
- Ezekiel Saw the Wheel
- Four White Horses
- Go Tell Aunt Rhody
- Golden Rule
- Good News
- Haiye Kirumberumbe
- Hanging Out the Linen Clothes
- Hop Old Squirrel
- Horse Went Around
- Hot Cross Buns
- Hush-a-Bye
- I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N
- I Had a Silly Chicken
- I Ride an Old Paint
- I Saw a Ship a Sailing
- I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing In
- Ik Heb een rood rood spiegeltje gevonden
- In Some Lady’s Garden
- Jan Ken Pon Yo
- Kangaroo
- King of France
- La raspa
- Lady Moon
- Le pastouriau
- Lightly Row
- Little Bells of Christmas
- Long Road of Iron
- Love Somebody
- Lukey’s Boat
- Maburu we ijoo
- Macoway
- Makun
- Marching Round the Levee
- Marinero que se fue a la mar
- Mary Had a Little Lamb
- Mein Hut Der Hat Drei Ecken
- Meunier tu dors
- Morning is Come
- North Wind Doth Blow
- O Music
- Oh Won’t You Sit Down
- Old Ark’s a-Moverin’
- Old Bald Eagle
- On a Mountain
- Our Baby
- Rain
- Sally on the Seesaw
- Sarika Keo Euy
- Scotland’s Burning
- Se canta
- Shake Them Simmons Down
- Shoheen Sho
- Shout Little Lulu
- Seesaw Margery Daw
- Sigga Litla Systir Mín
- Sing Gaily Sing
- Singabahambayo
- Sleep Baby Sleep
- Spring’s Message
- Standing in the Need of Prayer
- Stodola Pumpa
- Sugar Bowl (Draw a Bucket of Water)
- Swallow / L’Hirondelle
- Swallow Goodbye
- Take Time in Life
- Then Oh Then
- Trampin’
- Trot Old Joe
- Viva la Musica
- Wake Snake
- Warm Your Hands
- Wśród nocnej ciszy
- Zúmbale al pandero