This song is also called “Alalimón.”
Lyrics - Spanish
(Cuban folk song)
Al ánimo, al ánimo
la fuente se rompió
Al ánimo, al ánimo
mandarla a componer
Urí, urí, urá
La reina va a pasar,
los de alante corren mucho
los de atrás se quedarán.
Al ánimo, al ánimo
¿Con qué se hace el dinero?
Al ánimo, al ánimo
con cáscara de huevo. Refrain
Translation – Attention, everyone!*
Attention, attention,
The fountain broke,
Attention, attention,
Send it to be fixed.
Uri, uri, ura, (nonsense syllables)
The queen will come by,
Those in front run a lot,
Those in the back will stay in place.
Attention, attention,
What is money made out of?
Attention, attention,
With the shell of an egg. Refrain
Formation: Two students stand facing each other making a bridge with hands up and touching. One student is an “orange” and the other student is a “lemon.” (Each student can identify as different things.)
Other students go under the “bridge” until the song is finished. At the end, the two students lower their hands and “catch” one student. That person must decide which team to join: oranges or lemons, and goes to stand behind that person. After all students have joined a team, they play tug of war.
See also
- Country: Cuba
- Activities: arch games
- Form: AB
- Harmony: chords I, IV, V
- Meter: 2
- Scale: hexachord
- Tones: drmfsl
- Source: Cantaba la rana / The Frog Was Singing, Rita Rosa Ruesga, 2021
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody