(Melody by Mildred J. Hill, publ. 1896, Lyrics by Patty S. Hill)
1. The north wind blew one cold fall night,
And started the birds on their southward flight,
The sleepy flowers rocked in the breeze,
The faded brown leaves soon fell down from the trees.
2. A light snow fell and then the stream
Ran slower and slower as if in a dream,
It ran so fast all summer long,
But fell fast asleep by the north winds sweet song.
3. While people slept this cold fall night,
The windows were covered with lace so white,
The children woke with the morning sun,
And said, “See the work that Jack Frost must have done.”
See also
- Subject: wind
- Harmony: chords I, IV, V
- Meter: 6/8
- Scale: major
- Source: Song Stories for the Kindergarten, Mildred J. Hill, Patty S. Hill, Clayton F. Summy Company, 1896
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody