(Folk song)
1. There came to my window one morning in spring,
A sweet little robin, she came there to sing.
The tune that she sang, it was prettier far
Than any I heard on the flute or guitar.
2. Her wings she was spreading to soar far away.
Then resting a moment seemed sweetly to say,
“Oh happy, how happy the world seems to be,
Awake, dearest child, and be happy with me.”
See also
- Subjects: spring / birds / emotions
- Harmony: I IV V chords
- Melody: descending major scale
- Meter: 6/8
- Scale: major
- Source: 140 Folk-songs with Piano Accompaniment “rote Songs” for Grades I, II and III,Archibald Thompson Davison, Thomas Whitney Surette, 1921
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody