Wann Ich Vun Dem Land Rei Kumm

Lyrics - Pennsylvania German

(Pennsylvania German folk song)

1. Wann ich vun dem Land rei kumm
No war ich en ârmer Mann,
No kâf ich mir en Hinckel
Un fang des Hausen â.
Wann die Leid mich froje deede
Wie mei Hinckel heest,
Gickerigie heest mei gleines Hinckelie.

2. No kâf ich mir en End
Un fant des Hausen â.
Wann di Leid mich froje deede
Wie mei Endli heest.
Endli Bendli heest mei Endli,
Gickerigie heest mei gleines Hinckelie.

3. No kâf ich mir en Kuh
Un fang des Hausen â.
Wann di Leid mich froje deede
Wie mei Kuh heest,
Uff un Zu heest mei Kuh,
Endli Bendli heest mei Endli,
Gickerigie heest mei gleines Hinckelie.

4. No kâf ich mir en Genzel
Schtumm Schwenzi heest mei Genzel,
Uff un Zu heest mei Kuh, etc.

5. No kâf \ich mir en Gaul
Hawwer Maul heest mei Gaul,
Schtumm Schwenzel heest mei Genzel, etc.

6. No kâf ich mir en Hund
Immer Gsund heest mei Hund,
Hawwer Maul heest mei Gaul, etc.

7. No kâf ich mir en Haus
Rei un Naus heest mei Haus,
Immer Gsund heest mei Hund, etc.

8. No grie ich mir en Frâ
Un fang des Hausen â.
Wann di Leid mich froje deede
Wie mei Weiwel heest,
Hell Deiwel heest mei Weiwel.
Rei un Naus heest mei Haus,
Immer Gsund heest mei Hund,
Hawwer Maul heest mei Gaul,
Schtumm Schwenzel heest mei Genzel,
Uff un Zu heest mei Kuh,
Endli Bendli heest mei Endli,
Gickerigie heest mei gleines Hinckelie.

English Translation – When I First Came to this Country

1. When I came to this country
I was a poor man,
Then I bought a chicken
And began housekeeping.
Should the people ask
The name of my chicken,
Gickerigie is the name of my little chicken.

2. Then I bought a duck
And began housekeeping.
Should the people ask
The name of my little duck,
End-of-the-String is the name of my little duck,
Gickerigie is the name of my little chicken.

3. Then I bought a cow…
Open-and-Shut is the name of my cow.
End-of-the-String is the name of my little duck, etc.

4. Then I bought a little goose
Bobtail is the name of my little goose.
Open-and-Shut is the name of my cow.

5. Then I bought a horse.
Oats-Mouth is the name of my horse,
Bobtail is the name of my little goose.

6. Then I bought a dog
Always-Well is the name of my dog,
Oats-Mouth is the name of my horse, etc.

7. Then I bought a house
In-and-Out is the name of my house,
Always-Well is the name of my dog, etc.

8. Then I got a wife
And began housekeeping.
Should the people ask
The name of my little wife,
Hell-Devil is the name of my wife,
In-and-Out is the name of my house,
Always-Well is thename of my dog,
Oats-Mouth is the name of my horse,
Bobtail is the name of my little goose,
Open-a-dn-Shut is the name of my cow,
End-of-the-String is the name of my little duck,
Gickerigie is the name of my little chicken.

See also

  • PDF of song with chords
  • MIDI file
  • Listen to the melody

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