Pastorcitos del monte venid

Lyrics - Spanish

(Folk song)

Pastorcitos del monte, venid.
Pastorcitos del valle, llegad.
Y a ese Niño que está en esas pajas
adorad, adorad, adorad.

1. Aunque nace chiquitito en tan humilde portal,
Su Madre es la Virgen pura, su Padre el Dios celestial. Refrain

2. Sus ojitos son luceros y sus labios de coral,
Su cuello de plata pura, su boquita divinal. Refrain

3. Niño Jesús de mi vida, yo te doy mi corazón,
Y en retorno yo te pido que me des tu bendición. Refrain

4. A las doce de la noche que más feliz no se vio,
Nació de una Madre Virgen nuestro Dios y Redentor. Refrain

5. Venid a Belén, pastores, y entre la mula y el buey,
Envuelto en pobres pañales, hallaréis a vuestro Rey. Refrain

6. Tiene por trono un pesebre, lleva por cetro la Cruz,
Y para salvar al mundo trajo el nombre de Jesús. Refrain

7. Una estrellita del cielo apareció en el portal:
Es el Niño Dios que viene a traer al mundo paz. Refrain

English Translation – Shepherds from the mountains, come

Shepherds from the mountains, come.
Shepherds from the valleys, arrive.
And that child that is lying in the straw
Worship, worship, worship.

1. Although born so smallin so humble a stall
His Mother is a pure Virgin, her heavenly Father God.

2. His eyes are bright stars and lips of coral,
His neck pure silver his divine mouth.

3. Baby Jesus in my life, I give you my heart,
And in return I ask you give me your blessing.

4. At twelve o’clock happier I was not,
He was born of a Virgin Mother our God and Redeemer.

5. Come to Bethlehem, shepherds, and between the mule and the ox,
Wrapped in swaddling clothes, will find your King.

6. Its throne a manger, scepter carried by the Cross
And to save the world brought in the name of Jesus.

7. A little star in the sky appeared in the window:
It is the Child Jesus coming to bring peace to the world.

See also


  • PDF of song with chords
  • MIDI file
  • Listen to the melody

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