Lyrics - Spanish
(Folk song from Puerto Rico)
En la feria de San Juan
yo compré (1) un pitillo.
piri piri piri el pitillo
Venga usted, venga usted
a la feria de San Juan.
Venga usted, venga usted
a la feria de San Juan
(2) una guitarra, tara tara tara la guitarra, piri piri piri el pitillo
(3) un tambor, pom pom pom el tambor, tara tara tara la guitarra, piri piri piri el pitillo
(4) una maraca, chaca chaca chaca la maraca…
(5) un violín, rin rin rin el violín…
English Translation - At the fair of Saint John
At the fair of Saint John
I bought (1) a little flute,
piri piri piri the flute,
Come, come
to the fair of Saint John.
Come, come
to the fair of Saint John.
(2) a guitar, tara tara tara the guitar, piri piri piri the flute
(3) a drum, pom pom pom the drum, tara tara tara the guitar, piri piri piri the flute
(4) a maraca, chaca chaca chaca the maraca
(5) a violin, rin rin rin the violin
See also
- Culture: Puerto Rico
- Subjects: instruments
- Activities: motions (see below)
- Form: cumulative
- Harmony: chords I, IV, V
- Melody: do / re / mi / fa
- Meter: 2
- Scale: hexatonic
- Tones: drmfst
- Source: Share the Music, MacMillan McGraw-Hill, Grade 4, 1997
or purchase here (printables only)
- Printable & Digital Visuals

- PDF of song with chords + English version + Lesson ideas
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody