Lyrics - Spanish

(Folk song)

El florón está en la mano
Y en la mano el florón.
Adivine a quién lo tiene
O se queda de plantón.

English Translation – The flower

The big flower is in the hand
And in the hand is the flower.
Guess who has it
Or it remains a seedling.


Version 1 – Formation: Students sit in a circle with their hands behind their backs. Students sing the song with their eyes closed while “It” walks behind the circle and places a flower in one student’s hands. Whoever can guess who has the flower is the next “It.” (source)

Version 2 (passing game) – Formation: Students sit in a circle with each person’s left hand holding the right wrist of the person to their left of them. Students pass a small object (such as a thimble) to the left, from one right hand to the next person’s right hand. (source)

Version 3 – Formation: Students sit in a circle or line holding their hands out in front of them with palms almost touching. “It” has a small object clasped between the palms. “It” passes their hands between the hands of each student, dropping the small object in one person’s hands without being seen. “It” continues to pass their hands between the other students’ hands until the song ends. That final person must guess who has the small object and then becomes the next “It.” (source)

See also


or purchase here (printables only)

  • PDF of song with chords + Lesson ideas + Orff arrangement
  • MIDI file
  • Listen to the song

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