(American folk song)
Did you ever go to meeting, Uncle Joe, Uncle Joe?
Did you ever go to meeting, Uncle Joe?
Did you ever go to meeting, Uncle Joe, Uncle Joe?
Don’t mind the weather, so the winds don’t blow!
Hope up my ladies, three in a row, (repeat twice)
Don’t mind the weather, so the winds don’t blow!
See also
- Subjects: frogs / family
- Harmony: I IV V chords
- Melody: high & low / pentatonic
- Meter: 4
- Rhythm:
- Scale: pentatonic
- Tones: drmsl
- Source: Animal Folk Songs for Children, Ruth Seeger, 1950
- Song with chords + New Version: Hop Up My Froggy
- MIDI file
- Listen to the song

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2 thoughts on “Hop Up My Ladies”
Do you have any particular motions that go along with the froggy version? Thank you!
Just generally acting out being a frog or chickie… On high and low songs, I like to do some kinds of motions that follow the contour of the melody. For instance, when we are singing high notes, it’s good to have our hands go high. Have fun!