(Traditional carol)
1. When Joseph was an old man, an old man was he.
He married Virgin Mary, the Queen of Galilee. (repeat)
2. As Mary and Joseph were walking one day
To an orchard of cherry trees they happened to stray.
3. Then Mary said to Joseph, so meek and so mild,
“Pick me some cherries, Joseph, for I am with child.”
4. Then Joseph flew angry, so angry flew he,
“Let the father of your baby gather cherries for thee.”
5. The up spoke Lord Jesus from in his mother’s womb,
“Bow low down, cherry trees, bow down to the ground.”
6. And the cherry trees bowed down, bowed low to the ground,
And Mary gathered cherries while Joseph stood round.
7. Then Joseph he kneeled down and a question gave he,
“Come tell me, pretty baby, when your birthday shall be.”
8. “On the fifth day of January my birthday shall be,
And the stars in the heaven shall all bow down to me.”
See also
- Subjects: Christmas / trees
- Harmony: chords I, IV, V
- Meter: 3
- Scale: pentatonic
- Tones: drmsl
- Source: American Folk Songs for Children,Ruth Crawford Seeger, Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1948
- more information
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody