Pajarillo barranqueño

Lyrics - Spanish

(Mexican folk song)

Pajarillo, pajarillo
Pajarillo barranqueño
Qué bonitos ojos tienes,
Lástima que tengan dueño

¿Qué pajarillo es aquel
Que canta en aquella torre?
Anda y dile que no cante
Que hasta en la barranca se oye.

Pajarillo, pajarillo
Échate a volar al viento.
Llévale un tus lindas alas
Mi amor y mi pensamiento.

Pajarillo, pajarillo
Que canta en la madrugada
Aquí se acaba cantando
Mi canción enamorada.

English Translation - Barranco birdie

Birdie, birdie
Barranco* birdie
What beautiful eyes you have,
Too bad they have an owner

What bird is that
Who sings in that tower?
Go and tell him not to sing
That even in the ravine you can hear.

Birdie, birdie
Take flight in the wind.
Take your pretty wings
My love and my thought.

Birdie, birdie
who sings in the morning
Here it ends singing
My love song.

*barranco = ravine

See also


  • PDF of song with chords
  • MIDI file
  • Listen to the melody

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