Il court le furet

Lyrics - French

(Folk song from France)

Il court il court le furet
Le furet du bois, mesdames
Il court il court le furet
Le furet du bois joli
Il est passé par ici
Il repassera par là.

English Translation – The Ferret Runs

Il court il court le furet
Le furet du bois, mesdames
Il court il court le furet
Le furet du bois joli
Il est passé par ici
Il repassera par là.


Formation: Thread a ring through a long string and tie the ends of the string together. Students stand in a circle holding a the string behind them. One person (“It”) stands in the middle of the circle.

As the song is sung, students pass the ring from one person to another while “It” tries to figure out who has the ring. At the end of the song, stop passing. “It” guesses who has the ring. If correct, the student with the ring becomes the new “It.” If incorrect, “It” has two more guesses before the song resumes.

See also


  • PDF of song with chords
  • MIDI file
  • Listen to the melody

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