Lyrics - Finnish
(Folk song from Finland)
Piiri pieni pyörii
Lapset siinä hyöri.
Sormet sanoo soo soo soo,
Kengät sanoo koo koo koo.
Piiri pieni pyörii,
Lapset siinä hyörii.
Kädet sanoo lip, lap, lap,
Kengän kärjet kip, kap, kap.
English Translation – The Small Circle Turns
1. The small circle turns,
children buzz around,
Fingers say so so so,
shoe goes tap tap tap.
2. The small circle turns,
children buzz around,
Hands go clap clap clap,
shoe goes stomp stomp stomp.
Verse 1
Phrases 1 & 2 – Circle left
Phrase 3 – Students stop, face partner & wag finger
Phrase 4 – Students face inside of circle & tap foot 3 times
Verse 2
Phrases 1 & 2 – Circle left
Phrase 3 – Students stop, face partner & clap three times
Phrase 4 – Students face inside of circle & tap foot 3 times
See also
- Country: Finland
- Activities: circle singing games / dances
- Harmony: chords I, IV, V
- Melody: tonic triad
- Meter: 2
- Scale: major
- Source: Wee Sing Around the World,Pamela Conn Beall and Susan Hagen Nipp, Price Stern Sloan, 1994
- more lyrics
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody

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