
(Folk song from Zimbabwe)

Famba naye nai baba Famba naye Famba naye nai baba

Famba naye, Famba naye na ba ba
Famba naye, Moonay roodoh Moonay roodohnie baba Moonay roodoh Moonay roodohnie baba
Taremerwa Taremerwa nai baba Taremerwa Taremerwa nai baba

English Translation - Walk with him

fambai naye – walk with him/lead him
fambai nai baba – lead/walk with him oh Father (God)
tinotenda – thank you/ we are grateful
Mune rudo – you have love/you are full of love

See also


  • PDF of song with chords
  • MIDI file
  • Listen to the melody

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2 thoughts on “Famba Naye”

  1. Julie Papageorgiou

    Dear Mrs. Thompson,
    Thank you for your excellent work in “Beth’s Notes”.
    I am looking for some valid information about the song’s “Famba Naye” origin and use. It is supposed to be a traditional Zimbabwean song. Still, I have nowhere found an African source referring to this song nor have I seen anywhere on the internet a performance of “Famba Naye” from Zimbabwean students or musicians, or even from African people (only from Western choirs). So, I feel very insecure about using this song in my music classes. I would be grateful if you could share with me any (Zimbambwean/African/ethnomusicological) source or specific information you may have about “Famba Naye”. Thank you for your consideration. Julie Papageorgiou

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