(French folk song)
Come shake the apple tree,
Tra la la, tra la la,
Shake it right merrily,
Apples are ripe, you see.
Tra la la la,
Apples are ripe, you see.
Apples enough for all,
Tra la la, tra la la,
Growing in branches tall,
Pattering and pelting fall,
Tra la la la,
Pattering and pelting fall.
Gather a goodly store,
Tra la la, tra la la,
Full baskets, three or four,
Still there’ll be many more,
Tra la la la,
Still there’ll be many more.
Pleased will dear mother be,
Tra la la, tra la la,
All our ripe fruit to see,
Apples we’ll have for tea,
Tra la la la,
Apples we’ll have for tea.
See also
- Subjects: fall (autumn) / food / nature
- Harmony: chords I, IV, V
- Melody: tonic triad
- Meter: 2
- Scale: major
- Source: The Music Hour, Silver Burdett, 1932
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody