Hand-Clapping Songs

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4 thoughts on “Hand-Clapping Songs”

  1. Hey, Beth! Thanks so very much! They are such fun and I appreciate your contributing them.. I am looking to publish a collection of chants/songs/rhymes to use with hand clapping, may I also use them there? I would, of course, acknowledge you are composer of these! 🙂

  2. I remember playing Miss Mary Mack all the time as a child, but the movements I learned were slightly different.

    We did:

    Cross arms over chest
    Pat thighs
    Clap your own hands together
    Clap right hands together
    Clap your own hands together
    Clap left hands together
    Clap your own hands together
    Clap all hands together.

    Very similar to yours, but the beginning is slightly different. Love it!

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