Lyrics - Revised Romanization
(Korean folk song)
songaji songaji eolluk songaji
eomma sodo eollukso eomma dalmanne
English Translation - Calf
Baby cow, baby cow, spotted baby cow
Mama cow is spotted too, you look like your mom.
Korean – 송아지
송아지 송아지 얼룩 송아지
엄마 소도 얼룩소 엄마 닮았네
See also
- Language: Korean
- Subject: cows
- Harmony: Orff arrangements / chords I, IV, V
- Meter: 4
- Rhythm:
- Scale: hexachord
- Tones: drmfsl
- PDF of song with chords + Lesson ideas + Orff arrangement
- MIDI file
- Listen to the song