- A la rueda de San Miguel
- Acka Backa
- Ah! Mon beau château
- Al corro de la patata
- Al pavo pavito
- Ali Baba’s Farm
- All Around the Buttercup
- All Around the Daffodils
- All Around the Green Apple Tree
- All Around the Maypole
- Am pierdut o batistuţă
- Atal matal
- Agua de limón
- Bassez Down
- Bee Bee Bumblebee
- Bell Horses
- Bjørnen sover
- Bluebird
- Bob-A-Needle
- Bow Wow Wow
- Buttercup
- C’è una Cocca Nera
- Charlie Over the Ocean
- Chumbara
- Ciranda Cirandinha
- Circle Round the Zero
- Closet Key
- Coffee Grows on White Oak Trees
- Columbus Sailed with Three Ships
- Cublak-Cublak Suweng
- Cut the Cake
- Dancer in the Moonlight
- Danse i en ring
- Did You Ever See a Lassie
- Don Juan Periquito
- Doña Ana
- Doña Blanca
- Down by the Banks of the Hanky Panky
- Ég a gyertya ég
- El juego chirimbolo
- El patio de mi casa
- El sapo
- El Tio Fresco
- Farmer in the Dell
- Fire in the Mountain
- Fudge Fudge
- Goin’ to Boston
- Going to Kentucky
- Goodie on a Saucer
- Grizzly Bear
- Guru ndiani
- Happy is the Miller
- Häschen in der Grube
- Head Shoulders Baby
- Here Comes a Blue Bird
- Here Sits a Monkey
- Here We Sit
- Hey Concentration
- Hop Old Squirrel
- I Don’t Care if the Rain Comes Down
- I Lost the Farmer’s Dairy Key
- In a Fine Castle
- In and Out
- In and Out the Dusty Bluebells
- Injit Injit Semut
- Jean Jean Dressed in Green
- Jeremiah Blow the Fire
- Jing-Ga-Ring
- Jolly Miller
- Juan Pirulero
- Just From the Kitchen
- Kagome Kagome
- Kangaroo
- Kitty Kitty Casket
- La gallina ponicana
- Las estatuas de marfil
- Let Us Chase the Squirrel
- Little Johnny Brown
- Little Sally Walker (sitting on a saucer)
- Little Sally Walker (walkin’ down the street)
- Little White Daisies
- Los pollos de mi cazuela
- Lost My Gold Ring
- Mam chusteczkę haftowaną
- Marching ‘Round the Levee
- Matarile
- Mi smo djeca vesela
- Macaroni
- Mill Song
- Mos Mos (Cat Cat)
- Muffin Man
- My Pigeon House
- Naass naass Blieder
- Naughty Kitty Cat
- No Robbers Out Today
- Old Bald Eagle
- Old King Glory
- Old Sister Phoebe
- On a Mountain
- Peep Squirrel
- Piiri pieni pyörii
- Polichinelle
- Poor Dog Bright
- Poreho
- Poúnto to dachtilídi
- Purple Stew
- Quisiera ser tan alta
- Rig-a-Jig-Jig
- Ring Around the Border
- Ringe Ringe Raja
- Rise Sugar Rise
- Rooms for Rent
- Round and Round
- Roy’s Horse Enjoys a Gallop
- Sailing on the Ocean
- Sailor Sailor on the Sea
- Sailors Sailing on the Sea
- Sandie Toy
- Se Se Se
- Skip To My Lou
- Stella Ella Ola
- Swallow, The / L’Hirondelle
- There’s a Brown Girl in the Ring
- There’s a Light in the Window
- Tuli-Lule
- Two Pigeons
- Ugah Ugah
- Ukuti
- Vindum vindum vefjum band
- Wallflowers
- Wee Melodie Man
- Wishy Washy Wee
- Who Has the Penny
- Wolf in the Hen House
See also
- Activities: games