O Ġesù ħelwa tarbija

Lyrics - Maltese

(Folk song from Malta)

O Ġesù ħelwa tarbija
Ejja twieled ġewwa fija
Ġesù tfajjel, frott l-imħabba
Twieled f’qalbi,
Miegħi trabba.

1. O Re ħelu tal-imħabba
Il-qalb tiegħi bik tixxabba
Ejja, o Alla, Feddej tiegħi
Istrieħ f’qalbi, oqgħod miegħi. Refrain

2. Kemm int ħelu, Ġesù tiegħi
Kemm nixtieq inħaddnek miegħi
Ħarstek ħelwa tiddi b’dija
Li l-qalb tiegħi b’ferħ timlieha. Refrain

3. Ġesù ħelu, kemm inħobbok
Bl-akbar għożża qalbi żżommok
Il-qalb tiegħi ħeġġiġhieli
Ħudha kollha, qaddishieli. Refrain

4. Narak tninni f’dik in-nieqa
Ninsa għal kollox kollha d-dieqa
Nistħajjilni ġa fil-ġenna
Bik nitgħaxxaq u nithenna. Refrain

English Translation - O sweet baby Jesus

Oh sweet baby Jesus
Let him be born inside me
Jesus is a child, fruit of love
He was born in my heart,
He grew up with me.

1. O sweet King of love
My heart aches for you
Come, O God, my Redeemer
Rest in my heart, stay with me. Refrain

2. How sweet you are, my Jesus
How I want to embrace you with me
Your sweet gaze shines brightly
That my heart with joy fills it. Refrain

3. Sweet Jesus, how I love you
With the greatest love my heart holds you
My heart encouraged me
Take it all, sanctify me. Refrain

4. I see you sleeping in that cradle
I completely forget all the sadness
I’m already in heaven
With you I rejoice and grow stronger. Refrain

See also


  • PDF of song with chords
  • MIDI file
  • Listen to the melody

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