(Scottish folk song)
Sandie Toy, Sandie Toy, Sandie Tiddlem, Tiddlem Toy.
There was a man, a man indeed,
Sowed his garden full of seed.
When the seed began to grow like a garden full of snow.
When the snow began to melt like a ship with a belt.
When the ship began to sail like a bird without a tail,
When the bird began to fly like a diamond in the sky.
When the sky began to roar like a lion at my door,
When the door began to crack like a pain across my back.
Play Party / Hand-Clapping Game
Version 1 – Formation: Students stand in two concentric circles with the inside circle faces the outside circle (partners facing each other).
Measures 1-3 – Pat, clap (own hands), high five partner’s hands
Measure 4 – Pat, clap (own hands), high five partner’s hands, pat own hands again
Measures 5-8 – Repeat measures 1-3.
Optional: Change partners for the next verse.
Version 2 – Two lines facing each other. Repeat the same hand-clapping pattern over and over (with partner):
Clap (own hands), right hands high five, clap (own hands), left hands high five.
See also
- Country: Scotland
- Subject: farming
- Activities: circle singing games
- Form: AB (see below)
- Harmony: Orff arrangements / chords I, IV, V
- Melody: low so & low la / do / D,E,G
- Meter: 2
- Scale: major
- Source: Kerr’s Guild of Play Containing 49 Singing Games with Pianoforte Accompaniments, James S. Kerr, The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, 1923
- more info
- different version
or purchase here (printables only)
- Printable & Digital Visuals

- PDF of song with chords + Lesson ideas + Orff arrangement
- MIDI file
- Listen to the song