Lyrics - Icelandic
(Ari Jónsson, c. 1880)
Fram, fram fylking,
forðum okkur háska frá
því ræningjar oss vilja ráðast á.
Sýnum nú hug, djörfung og dug.
Vakið, vakið vaskir menn
því voða ber að höndum.
Sá er okkar síðast fer
mun sveipast hörðum böndum.
English Translation - Forward, forward march
Forward, forward march,
keep us safe
because robbers want to attack us.
Let’s show courage, courage and strength.
Wake up, wake up people
because there is danger at hand.
That one is our last one
will be wrapped in hard ties.
Formation: Two students hold hands together and form an arch. One of them represents the moon and the other, the sun. The other students stand in a line.
As the song is sung, students walk under the arch. On the last word, the students lower the arch, catching a student. That students decides to join the moon or the sun team. After all students have joined a team, they play tug of war to see which team wins.
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody