A Kona Hema ‘O Ka Lani

Lyrics - Hawaiian

(Hawaiian folk song)

1. A Kona Hema `o ka la ni Nânâ iâ Ka’ awao a
`Ike i ka la` i a `E hu E-hu-e-hu `o e e ka la ni.

2. Ka helena a`o Hawai`i Mâlamalama nâ moku
Ahuwale nâ kualono `Ike `ia ka pae `ôpua

3. E kukû ana i ke kai I ke kai hâwanawana
`Ôlelo o Kawaihae Hae ana e ka naulu

4. Ka makani hele uluulu Kû ka e`a i ka moana
Ka moana o Mâhukona Ka makani `Âpa`apa`a

5. Lê`i mai `o Kohala I ka nuku nâ kanaka
Ha`ina mai ka puana O ka lani Kaulilua

English Translation - At South Kona

1. At South Kona, the king Observes Ka`awaloa
Knows the peace of `Ehu Majestic are you, O king

2. Going to Hawai`i To take care of the districts
In plain view the mountaintops Seen are the cloud banks

3. At mid-tide on the sea On the whispering sea
Speaking of Kawaihae Stirred by the sudden shower

4. The wind increases The sea rises
The sea of Mâhukona The wind named `Apa`apa`a

5. Crowded is Kohala To the mouth with people
Tell the theme The royal Kaulilua

See also


  • PDF of song with chords
  • MIDI file
  • Listen to the melody

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