Version 1
(Folk song)
Wee Willie Winkie, run through the town,
Upstairs and downstairs in his nightgown.
Rapping at the windows, Crying through the locks,
“Are the children in their beds? It is eighth o’clock!”
All students stand in a circle, holding hands high. One student (“It”) is named as “Wee Willie Winkie” and runs in between students through their “windows”. On the last word of song, whomever “It” is closest to becomes next Wee Willie Winkie.
Version 2
See also
- Subject: nursery rhymes
- Harmony: Orff arrangements / chords I IV / chords I IV V / one chord
- Melody: high & low / mi, so, la / E,G,A
- Meter: 4
- Rhythm: /
- Scale: tritonic
- Tones: msl
or purchase here (printables only)
- PDF of song with chords + Lesson ideas + 2 Orff arrangements
- MIDI file
- Listen to the song