Oh here come three jolly boys all in a line
We are coming for apples if you will prove kind,
If you will prove kind with your gifts and good cheer,
We’ll come no more singing until the next year.
Fol de riddle dol, fol de ray,
Fol de riddle dol di day!
In costumes outlandish we come in a line
To delight you with singing if you will prove kind,
If you will prove kind with your gifts and good cheer,
We’ll come no more singing until the next year.
See also
- Subject: Halloween
- Form: AB
- Harmony: chords I, IV, V
- Meter: 3
- Rhythm: tonic triad
- Scale: major
- Source: The Music Hour, Silver Burdett, 1932
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody