Lyrics - Croatian
(Petar Preradović (1818-1872), Croatia)
Tko je, srce, u te dirno
Da si tako sad nemirno?
Kao ptica u zatvoru
Za svietom te želje moru:
//Nij’ u svietu nebo tvoje;
Miruj, miruj, srce moje!//(repeat)
Ne udaraj toli jako,
Razbit možeš prsi lako:
Preslabe su, izmučene,
A da puknu, bez koprene
//Bile ti sve rane tvoje;
Miruj, miruj, srce moje!//(repeat)
Ah, stisni se u tvom kutu
I pregori želju ljutu;
Tople su ti ove grudi,
Sebični su vani ljudi:
//Svaki grije srce svoje;
Miruj, miruj, srce moje!//(repeat)
Oj mani se svieta, mani,
U bolesti što ćeš vani?
Sviet boluje viek dovieka,
Ni sam za se nema lieka,
//Kamol’ za bol rane tvoje;
Miruj, miruj, srce moje!//(repeat)
U svietu bi bokče bilo,
Plačuć prage oblazilo,
Svak bi mislio da ti treba
Za utjehu mrva hljeba.
//Tko bi pozno suze tvoje?
Miruj, miruj, srce moje!//(repeat)
Znam ja, ti bi mah na vrata
Poletjelo tvoga zlata!
Nije Milka tvoja više,
Već za drugog ona diše,
//Drugi ljubi zlato tvoje.
Miruj, miruj, srce moje!// (repeat)
English Translation – Rest rest my heart
Who, dear, is in you
that You are so restless now?
Like a bird in prison
For the world you desire the sea:
//Your heaven is not in the world;
Rest, rest, my heart!//(repeat)
Don’t hit so hard,
You can break your chest easily:
They are too weak, tormented,
And to burst, without a veil
//All your wounds were yours;
Rest, rest, my heart!//(repeat)
Ah, squeeze in your corner
And burn the angry desire;
These breasts are warm to you,
People outside are selfish:
//Everyone warms their heart;
Rest, rest, my heart!//(repeat)
O mani world, mani,
In sickness what are you going to do outside?
The world is sick forever,
There is no cure for myself, let alone
//for the pain of your wound;
Rest, rest, my heart!//(repeat)
In the world there would be bokče,
Crying thresholds would go,
Everyone would think you need
For the consolation of bread crumbs.
//Who would take your tears late?
Rest, rest, my heart!//(repeat)
I know, you would fly to the door
Your gold would fly!
Milka is no longer yours,
She breathes for another,
//The other loves your gold.
Rest, rest, my heart!//(repeat)
See also
- Country: Croatia
- Form: AABB
- Harmony: chords I, IV, V
- Meter: 3
- Scale: major
- Source: Botsford Collection of Folk Songs, Florence Hudson Botsford, G. Schirmer, Inc, 1929
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody