(Folk song)
1. I lost the farmer’s dairy key,
I’m in this lady’s garden,
Do, do let me out,
I’m in this lady’s garden.
2. A brass key and a silver lock,
I’m in this lady’s garden,
Do, do let me out,
I’m in this lady’s garden.
3. Cornstalk fiddle and shoe string bow…
Singing Game
Formation: Students sit or stand in a circle. One student is “It” and sits or stands in the middle of the circle with eyes closed. Give a key to one student in the circle.
When the song begins, “It” opens eyes while students pass the key around the circle. Even if students don’t have the key, they must pretend to pass the key and keep hands clasped in front of them. At the end of the song, students stop passing and stand / sit still with hands clasped. “It” has 3 chances to guess which student has the key.
See also
- Activities: circle singing games
- Harmony: chords I, IV, V
- Melody: high do’ / tonic triad
- Meter: 4
- Scale: pentatonic
- Tones: drmsl
- Song with chords and Solfege (PDF)
- MIDI file
- Listen to the song