Señor Don Gato

Lyrics - Spanish

(Folk song)

Estaba el señor, Don Gato
Sentadito en su tejado
Maramiau, miau, miau, miau
Sentadito en su tejado

Ha recibido una carta
Que si quiere ser casado
Maramiau, miau, miau, miau
Que si quiere ser casado

Con una gatita parda
Sobrina de un gato pardo
Maramiau, miau, miau, miau
Sobrina de un gato pardo

Al recibir la noticia
Se ha caído del tejado
Maramiau, miau, miau, miau
Se ha caído del tejado

Se ha roto siete costillas
El espinazo y el rabo
Maramiau, miau, miau, miau
El espinazo y el rabo

Ya lo llevan a enterrar
Por la calle del pescado
Maramiau, miau, miau, miau
Por la calle del pescado

Al olor de las sardinas
El gato ha resucitado
Maramiau, miau, miau, miau
El gato ha resucitado

“Con razón”, dice la gente
“¡Siete vidas tiene un gato!”
Maramiau, miau, miau, miau
“¡Siete vidas tiene un gato!”

English Translation - Mr. Cat

There was a Mr. Cat
Sitting on his roof
Mara-meow, meow, meow, meow,
Sitting on his roof

He has received a letter
[Asking] if he wants to be married
Mara-meow, meow, meow, meow,
[Asking] if he wants to be married

With a brown kitten
Niece of a brown cat
Mara-meow, meow, meow, meow,
Niece of a brown cat

Upon receiving the news
He has fallen from the roof
Mara-meow, meow, meow, meow,
He has fallen from the roof

He has broken seven ribs
His spine and his tail
Mara-meow, meow, meow, meow,
His spine and his tail

They already take him to to be buried
Down fish street
Mara-meow, meow, meow, meow,
Down fish street

To the smell of sardines
The cat has risen
Mara-meow, meow, meow, meow,
The cat has risen

“Rightly so,” people say
“Seven lives has a cat”
Mara-meow, meow, meow, meow,
“Seven lives has a cat!”

See also


  • PDF of song with chords
  • MIDI file
  • Listen to the melody

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