(American folk song)
1. Alligator, hedgehog, anteater, bear,
Rattlesnake, buffalo, anaconda, hare
2. Bullfrog, woodchuck, wolverine, goose,
Whippoorwill, chipmunk, jackal, moose
3. Mud turtle, whale, glow-worm, bat,
Salamander, snail and Maltese cat
4. Polecat, dog, wild otter, rat,
Pelican, hog, dodo and bat
5. Eagle, kingeron, sheep, duck and widgeon,
Conger, armadillo, beaver, seal, pigeon
6. Reindeer, blacksnake, ibex, nightingale,
Martin, wild drake, crocodile and quail
7. House rat, toe rat, white bear, doe
Chickadee, peacock, bobolink and crow
See also
- Subject: animals
- Harmony: chords I, IV, V
- Meter: 2
- Rhythm:
- Scale: hexatonic
- Tones: dmfslt
- Source: Animal Folk Songs for Children, Ruth Seeger, 1950
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- MIDI file
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