Lyrics - Danish
(Folk song from Denmark)
Bro, bro, brille,
Klokken ringer el’ve.
kejseren står på sit høje hvide slot,
så hvidt som et kridt,
så sort som et kul.
Fare, fare, krigsmand,
døden skal du lide,
den, som kommer allersidst,
skal i den sorte gryde.
Første gang så la’r vi ham gå,
anden gang så lige så,
tredje gang så ta’r vi ham
og putter ham i gryden!
English Translation – Bridge bridge glasses
Bridge, bridge, glasses,
The clock strikes eleven.
The emperor stands in his highest castle
as white as a duck,
as black as a fire.
Danger, danger, war-man!
Death you shall suffer!
The one who comes last,
shall into the black
The first time we let him go,
second time so just so,
third time we take him
and put him in the pot!
(source & Google translate)
Formation: Two leaders are chosen who form an arch. Other students stand in a line with hands on waist or shoulders of person in front (or holding hands).
Students sing as they walk under the arch. At the end, the students who formed the arch drop their arms around a student. That person stands behind one of the people who form the arch. The song begins again. After all students have joined a side, both sides do a tug of war.
See also
- Country: Denmark
- Activities: arch games
- Harmony: chords I, IV, V
- Meter: 2
- Rhythm:
- Scale: major
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody

1 thought on “Bro bro brille”
Thie translation is incorrect.
An example is as white as a duck and as black as a fire.
It’s actually as white as chalk and as black as coal.
It’s not the only thing that’s wrong, almost everything is off.
I really recommend finding a different translator.