Songs in Duple Meter

- A barata diz que tem
- A bundának nincs gallérja
- A Kona Hema ‘O Ka Lani
- A la claire fontaine
- A la puerta del cielo
- A la rorro niño
- A la rueda de San Miguel
- À la volette
- A mi burro le duele la cabeza
- À Paris sur un petit cheval gris
- A part alatt
- A Pedro como era calvo
- A Qua Qua
- A Song and a Smile
- Abreme la puerta
- Acadian Boatmen’s Song
- Achshav
- Ack Värmeland, du sköna
- Acorn-Grinding Song
- Across the Rocky Mountain
- Adam Had Seven Sons
- Adar Mân y Mynydd
- Adir Hu
- Agua de limón
- Ah! Mon beau château
- Ah! vous dirai-je, maman
- Aia la o Pele i Hawaii
- Aijā ancit aijā
- Aiken Drum
- Ain’t Gonna Ring No More
- Ain’t I Glad I’ve Got Out the Wilderness
- Ainsi Font, Font, Font (Les Petites Marionnettes)
- Air Pasang Pagi
- Ak koyun
- Al ánimo
- Al citron
- Al pavo pavito
- Alabama Bound
- Alabama Gal
- Ali Baba’s Farm (Ali Babanın çiftliği)
- All ‘Round the Brickyard
- All Around the Green Apple Tree
- All Around the Maypole
- All Around the Racetrack
- All Join Hands and Circle to the Left
- Aloha Nu’uanu
- Am stram gram
- Ambos a dos
- Ame Ame (Amefuri)
- Angel Band
- Animal Song
- Apple Tree
- Arre mi burrito
- As I Came Over Yonders Hill
- Aserrín aserrán
- Astrapsen i Anatoli
- Auf der Mauer auf der Lauer
- Auntie
- Autumn Song (Gatty)
- Autumn Song (Irwin)
- Ay Bopem
- Bä Bä Vita Lamm
- Bá luóbo
- Ba-Be-Bi-Bo-Bu
- Baa Baa Wandiga
- Baby Bye Here’s a Fly
- Baby Dear
- Babylon’s Falling
- Bangun tidur
- Bartolo tenía una flauta
- Bassez Down
- Batti batti le manine
- Behold That Star
- Bell Horses
- Bell is Ringing
- Big Sheep
- Billy Boy
- Bjørnen sover
- Blow Ye Winds
- Blow Your Trumpet Gabriel
- Bluebird
- Bob-A-Needle
- Boci Tarka
- Boh predvičnyj narodivsja
- Bonse aba
- Boomba
- Borboleta Pequenina
- Boryano, Boryanke
- Bought Me a Cat
- Brinca la tablita
- Bro bro brille
- Brother Rabbit
- Bu Yu Ge
- Buckeye Jim
- Bula Maleya
- Bulldog
- Buttercups and Daisies
- Butterflies
- Bye Low Baby Oh
- C’è una Cocca Nera
- Cae, cae globito
- Cai cai balão
- California
- Call to Singing
- Campana sobre campana
- Cangrejito
- Canten señores cantores
- Caracol col col
- Carmen Carmela
- Carol Children Carol
- Carrillon
- Caterpillar
- Caterpillar! Caterpillar!
- Cedar Swamp
- Charlotte Town
- Chat chat chat
- Che Che Koolay
- Cherries Ripe
- Chesapeake and Shannon
- Chick-a-Li-Lee-O
- Child of God
- Children Go Where I Send Thee
- Children of the Heavenly King
- Chocolate molinillo
- Christmas Bells
- Christmas Carol
- Christmas Day
- Christmas Song
- Cinco lobitos
- Ciranda Cirandinha
- Clap Clap Clap Your Hands
- Clap With Me
- Clap Your Hands
- Clapping Dance
- Clear Cool Pond
- Clear the Track (Eliza Lee)
- Clocks of Rondaine
- Cluck Old Hen
- Clucking Hen
- Come Butter Come
- Come to School
- Come, Come, Come
- Corn Grinding Song
- Corre corre al portalico
- Cradle Hymn
- Creeping Creeping Little Flea
- Cripple Creek
- Cruise of the Bigaler
- Cshebogar
- Cublak-Cublak Suweng
- Cuckoo
- Cumberland Mountain Deer Chase
- Cut the Cake
- D’où viens-tu, bergère?
- Daddy’s Whiskers
- Dan Doo
- Dance Like a Butterfly
- Dance Thumbkin Dance
- Dancing and Whirling
- Darling Go to Rest
- Das Steckenpferd (Hopp, hopp, hopp, Pferdchen lauf Galopp)
- Dawra durella
- De allacito
- De lanterna na mão
- De tierra lejana
- Dear Little Moon
- Dear Old Pals (1877)
- Debajo de un botón
- Debrecenbe kéne menni
- Der Kuckuck und der Esel
- Diarra loro lora
- Did You Go to the Barney?
- Diddle Diddle Dumpling
- Diu Diu Deng
- Diū shǒu juàn
- Do As I’m Doing
- Do Do Pity My Case
- Dobry tebe vecher / Добрый тебе вечер
- Doctor Katchel
- Dodo Baby Do
- Dodo Petit Popo
- Dog and Cat
- Dog Tick
- Doi Doi Doi Doiya Baba
- Doidas andam as galinhas
- Dónde están las llaves?
- Done Found My Lost Sheep
- Donkey Riding
- Donkeys and Carrots
- Dornröschen
- Drill Ye Tarriers
- Ducks and Geese / Gyertek haza ludaim
- Ducks in the Millpond
- Duerme mi tesoro
- Duérmete mi niño
- Dulce dulce
- Dunje ranke
- Dūno, dūno upė
- Dust of the Red Wagon
- Dva Pivnyky
- Early in the Morning
- Early One Morning
- Easter
- Echoes
- Ein Männlein steht im Walde
- Ein Schneider fing ‘ne Maus
- Ein Vogel wollte Hochzeit machen (Die Vogelhochzeit)
- Eins zwei drei vier fünf sechs sieben
- Eki Attar
- El cant dels ocells
- El cocherito
- El cucú
- El farolero
- El florón
- El juego chirimbolo
- El pájaro errante
- El patio de mi casa
- El perrito chino
- El puente está quebrado
- El rancho grande
- El robalo
- El sapo
- El tambor de la alegria
- El Tio Fresco
- El-A-Noy
- Elefanttimarssi
- En la feria de San Juan
- En lille nisse rejste
- Ene ‘andi koura
- Engine
- Engine Engine Number Nine
- Entre le bœuf et l’âne gris (Le sommeil de l’enfant Jésus)
- Esta sí que es Nochebuena
- Este van már nyolc óra
- Every Monday Morning
- Everybody’s Welcome
- Exultation
- False Alarm
- Fire Down Below
- Five Brown Eggs
- Five Little Ducks
- Flag of the Free, Fairest to See
- Follow Me
- Follow the Leader
- Fox
- Free Little Bird
- Frog in the Bog
- Frosty Weather
- Fudge Fudge
- Galway Piper
- Ging Gang Goolie
- Give Said the Little Stream
- Glockenjodler
- Go Get the Axe
- I Heard from Heaven Today
- Go Round
- Go Round the Mountain
- Go Tell Aunt Rhody
- Gobble Gobble
- God Save America
- Goin’ to Boston
- Goin’ Up On the
- Golden Ring Around the Susan Girl
- Golden Rule
- Good Morning
- Good Morning (Johnstone)
- Good Morning Song
- Good Morning to You Children Dear
- Good Morning, Merry Sunshine
- Good Night
- Good Night Sleep Tight
- Gore gwiazda Jezusowi
- Grand Old Flag
- Grandma Grunts
- Great Big Cat
- Great Big House in New Orleans
- Great Big Stars
- Greeting Song
- Grizzly Bear
- Grün grün grün sind alle meine Kleider
- Ha ba tshameka ka diphala tsa bone
- Había una vez un barquito chiquitito
- Haida
- Haiye Kirumberumbe
- Ham and Eggs
- Hanging Out the Linen Clothes
- Hannes loopt op klompen
- Happy Days are Here Again
- Happy is the Miller
- Happy New Year (Hark, Hark)
- Happy New Year (To all people)
- Happy Song
- Häschen in der Grube
- Hashewie
- Häsli i dr Gruaba
- Hato Popo
- Haul on the Bowlin’
- Have a Little Dog
- Healing Waters
- Heaven Bell A-Ring
- Hello Somebody
- Hello There
- Henehene Kou’Aka
- Here We Go to Baltimore
- Hevenu Shalom Aleichem
- Hey Betty Martin
- Hey Hey Look at Me
- Hist hvor vejen slår en bugt
- Hitori de Sabishii
- Hiya Hiya
- Hob Shoe Hob
- Hogs in the Cornfield
- Hoi Yuk (Hēi yō)
- Hoist Your Window Way Yonder
- Hojita de Guarumal
- Hold My Mule
- Hole in the Middle of the Sea
- Hoosen Johnny
- Hop Hop Hop Nimble as a Top
- Hopping Dance
- Horse Went Around
- Hóšišipa
- Hotaru Koi
- Housekeeping
- How Many Miles to Babylon
- How Old Are You?
- Howdy
- Hrály dudy u pobudy
- I Caught a Rabbit
- I Climbed Up the Apple Tree
- I Don’t Care if the Rain Comes Down
- I Got a Letter This Morning
- I Have a Car
- I Know Where I’m Goin’
- I Love a Sausage
- I Love the Summertime
- I Scream You Scream We All Scream for Ice Cream
- I Want to Be Ready
- I Went Upstairs
- I Wonder Where Maria’s Gone
- I’m Goin’ Home on a Cloud
- I’m Stretching Very Tall
- I’ve Been to Harlem
- Ich bitt’ dich
- Ida Red
- Il court le furet
- In May
- Inanay
- Iro Ye
- It Snows in the Night
- It’s Raining
- Iwe Kiko
- J’entends le moulin
- Já jsem muzikant
- Jack Can I Ride
- Jack Sprat
- Jack-o’-Lantern Chant
- Jackfish
- Jarnana
- Je suis un artiste
- Jeremiah Blow the Fire
- Jesus Borned in Bethlea
- Jibi-di Jibi-da
- Jimmy Rose He Went to Town
- John the Rabbit
- Johnny Cuckoo
- Johnny Get Your Hair Cut
- Johnny Works with One Hammer
- Johnny’s My Boy
- Jolly Miller
- Joy Bells
- Joy to the World
- Juba
- Jubilee
- Jugando al escondite
- Ka Lei Ho`ohie
- Kaa Fo
- Kakke Kakke Koodevide
- Kangaroo
- Kāngdìng qínggē (Kangding Love Song)
- Karga İle Tilki
- Keep in the Middle of the Road
- Kelgusõit (Küll on kena kelguga)
- Kelo aba woye
- Kicking Mule
- Kinder swijcht, so mooch di horen
- Kinders moenie in die water mors nie
- King’s Land
- Kitty Kitty Casket
- Knock the Cymbals
- Kolyada
- Korobushka
- Kuahiwi A’o Haleakala
- Kum Bachur Atzel
- Kuma San
- L’inverno è passato
- La Adelita
- La bella hortelana
- La bonne aventure
- La calle Ancha (La fuente)
- La canción de los números
- La gallina ponicana
- La lluna la pruna
- La macchina del capo
- La Marimorena
- La poulette grise
- La tía Mónica
- La víbora de la mar
- Läbi lume sahiseva
- Land of the Silver Birch
- Las estatuas de marfil
- Las navidades
- Lazy Sheep
- Le forgeron
- Le joli tambour
- Le Petit Noël
- Leak Kanseng
- Lemonade
- Leptiriću, šareniću
- Leron Leron Sinta
- Les dotze van tocant
- Let Us Chase the Squirrel
- Lille Petter Edderkopp
- Listen Listen Here I Come
- Little Birch Tree
- Little Black Train
- Little Brown Dog
- Little Bunny Foo Foo
- Little Chickens
- Little David Play On Your Harp
- Little Jack Pumpkin Face
- Little Johnny Brown
- Little Jumping Joan
- Little Old Sod Shanty
- Little Pig
- Little Plant
- Little Red Wagon
- Little Robin Redbreast (sat upon a tree)
- Little White Daisies
- Lone Star Trail
- Long Road of Iron
- Long Time Ago
- Los peces en el río
- Los pollitos
- Los pollos de mi cazuela
- Love Somebody
- Lula Gal
- Lullaby
- Lundi matin
- Lurlaline
- Lynchburg Town
- Ma mère m’envoie-t-au marché
- Mai’a Lau Pala
- Making Bread
- Mam chusteczkę haftowaną
- Mama Buy Me a Chiney Doll
- Mama Don’t ‘Low
- Manamolela
- Marching ‘Round the Levee
- Marching Game
- Marching Song
- Mariner’s Hymn
- Marinero que se fue a la mar
- Marko skače
- Mary Wore Her Red Dress
- Matarile
- Melc melc codobelc
- Merry Little Snowflakes
- Mi carro Ford
- Mi smo djeca vesela
- Michael Finnegan
- Michie Bainjo
- Miren cuántas luces
- Miss Mary Mack
- Mister Rabbit
- Mistress More
- Mock Turtle’s Song (Will You Walk a Little Faster)
- Mon merle
- Mon Papa
- Montana
- Moş Crăciun cu plete dalbe
- Mos Mos
- Một con vịt
- Mountain
- Mrs. Macaroni
- Mrs. White Had a Fright
- Muffin Man
- My Good Old Man
- Na Bahia tem
- Nabiya
- Nadal tindaire
- Nani Wale Na Hala
- Narodi nam se
- Natal de Elvas
- Neige neige blanche
- New England New England
- Ngam Sang Duan
- Nila Nila odi vaa
- Ning Wendete
- Nkombo Meka
- No Robbers Out Today
- Noriu Miego
- North Wind
- Nu’uanu Mele
- Nuku nuku nurmilintu
- O ce veste minunată
- O Hal’lwe
- O Lebisibiyo
- O pião entrou na roda
- Obwisana
- Oft in the Stilly Night
- Oh Mary and the Baby, Sweet Lamb
- Old Abram Brown
- Old Aunt Kate
- Old Bald Eagle
- Old Betty Larkin
- Old Brass Wagon
- Old Groundhog
- Old Hen Cackled (and the Rooster Laid the Egg)
- Old Johnnie Goggabee
- Old Lady Goose
- Old Man
- Old Mister Rabbit
- Old Molly Hare
- Old Santa Claus
- Old Year and New Year
- On a Log Mr. Frog
- On Wisconsin
- One Cold and Frosty Morning
- One Misty Moisty Morning
- Our Baby
- Over the River Charlie
- Pajarillo barranqueño
- Pamulinawen
- Pase misí pase misá
- Pásli ovce valaši
- Passamaquoddy Song of Greeting
- Pato patito
- Paw Paw Patch
- Peas and the Rice
- Pen Pen de Sarapen
- Perry Merry Dictum Dominee
- Peter Hammers
- Petit Papa, c’est aujourd’hui ta fête
- Piiri pieni pyörii
- Pin Pon
- Pirulito que bate bate
- Pjevaj mi pjevaj sokole
- Plainsies Clapsies
- Po nábreží koník beží
- Polichinelle
- Polly Put the Kettle On
- Pomme de reinette
- Poor Dog Bright
- Poor Little Jesus
- Promenons-nous dans les bois (Loup y es-tu?)
- Psaropoula
- Půjdem Spolu do Betléma
- Pumpkin Pumpkin
- Qikitat Iingalat
- Qīngchūn wǔqǔ
- Queen Queen Caroline
- Quisiera ser tan alta
- Räge, Rägetröpfli
- Rain
- Rain Dance
- Rain, Rain
- Rattlin’ Bog
- Reuben and Rachel
- Ridin’ of a Goat, Leadin’ of a Sheep
- Riding in the Buggy
- Riding on the Elevated
- Riding Round the Cattle
- Ring Around the Border
- Ro ro barnet
- Ro Ro Til Fiskeskjær
- Rock About My Saro Jane
- Rocky Island
- Rocky Mountain
- Roda pião
- Roll That Brown Jug Down to Town
- Roll the Chariot
- Roll the Old Chariot
- Rose Rose and Up She Rises
- Round and Round
- Round and Round the Village
- Sacramento
- Sailing On the Ocean
- Saint Basil
- Saint Patrick Was a Gentleman
- Sally Go Round the Sun
- Sammy Sackett
- San Sereni
- Sandie Toy
- Sandman Comes
- Sandy Land
- Săniuța fuge
- Santa Claus
- Sarika Keo Euy
- Savez vous planter les choux
- Schlaf Kindlein schlaf
- Schlof, Bobbli Schlof
- Scions du bois
- Scotland’s Burning
- Scraping Up Sand in the Bottom of the Sea
- Se Se Se
- Sea Shell
- Sedi Ćira na vrh slame
- Seesaw Up and Down
- Señor Don Gato
- Señor San José (Carpintero fino)
- Señora Santana
- Serkenj fel kegyes nép
- Sevivon
- Shabbat Shalom
- Shake Them ‘Simmons Down
- Shine Like a Star in the Morning
- Shine On
- Shoheen Sho
- Shoo, Shoo, Shoo-Lye
- Shout Little Lulu
- Shuckin’ of the Corn
- Si me dan pasteles
- Signs
- Silver Moon Boat (Little Silver Moon)
- Sindi
- Sing Hallelu
- Sing Sweet Carols
- Sing We Now of Christmas
- Sing-a-Ling-a-Ling
- Singing in the Land
- Skip to My Lou
- Sleigh Ride
- Sleigh Ride (jingle…)
- Sleigh Song
- Små grodorna
- Snail
- Snail Snail
- Snail Snail Come Out and Be Fed
- Snow
- Sol solecito
- Some Folks
- Somebody’s Knocking at Your Door
- Song of the Birds
- Song of Praise
- Song of Ships
- Song of the Dragon
- Song of the Moon
- Song of the Snowflakes
- Sōran Bushi
- Sourwood Mountain
- Soy la reina de los mares
- Spelling Bee
- Springtime
- Squirrel is a Pretty Thing
- Squirrel2
- Štědrý večer nastal
- Stodola Pumpa
- Strawberry Girl
- Sugar Bowl (Draw a Bucket of Water)
- Summ Summ Summ
- Susan Brown
- Suutarin emännän kehtolaulu
- Swapping Song
- Sweet Water Rolling
- Ta-ra-ra Boom-de-ay
- Tafta Hindi
- Tailor and the Mouse
- Tala’a Al-Badru ‘Alayna
- Tamboulay / C.C. Moriah
- Tan patate-là tchuite
- Tao Tao Po
- Ten in the Bed
- Tengo una muñeca vestida de azul
- Texas Cowboy
- Thằng Cuội
- Thanksgiving Day
- There Goes a Red Bird Through the Window
- There Was a Man and He Was Mad
- Thief
- Thorn Rosa
- Three Craw
- Three Jolly Fishermen
- Three Kings / La Marche des rois
- Three Little Muffins
- Thumbkin Says “I’ll Dance”
- Ti zwazo
- Tingalayo
- To a River
- Todos los patitos
- Tom the Piper’s Son
- Tomtarnas julnatt
- Tongo
- Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral
- Toodala
- Tree Song
- Tren Gelir Hoş Gelir
- Tres hojitas madre
- Trot Old Joe
- Try Try Again
- Tu Tu Gbovi
- Tūdaliņ Tagadiņ
- Tuli-Lule
- Tumbaï
- Turkey Struttin’ Down the Lane
- Turtle Dove
- Twas a Wonder in Heaven
- Twelve Apostles
- Twenty-Four Robbers
- Two Four Six Eight
- Two in the Middle
- Two Pigeons
- Two Wings
- Uç uç böceğim
- Úgy tetszik, hogy jó helyen vagyunk itt
- Ukuti
- Un amigo me enseño
- Un deux trois
- Usagi Usagi
- Usdi Yona
- Üsküdar’a Gider İken
- Utima Wange
- Vacation Days are Here
- Valentines (When days)
- Vamos a la mar
- Varila myšička kašičku
- Vechniot Bog
- Velo que bonito
- Venez venez Saint Nicolas
- Vigndig a Fremd Kind
- Village Watchman
- Vindum vindum vefjum band
- Vyletěla holubička
- Waiting for the Dinner Bell
- Wallflowers
- Wanagi Wacipi Olowan (He he wanna wawate)
- Wanagi-Wacipi Olowan (Ya ha)
- Wann Ich Vun Dem Land Rei Kumm
- Wasn’t That a Mighty Day
- Wastin’ His Time
- Watch That Lady
- We’re Going Round the Mountain
- Welcome Here
- Welcome Sweet Springtime
- Wellerman
- Wer klopfet an
- What Shall We Do When We All Go Out?
- Wheat
- When I Was a Cowboy
- Who are You
- Who did Swallow Jonah
- Who’s That Tapping at the Window
- Wildwood Flower
- Wind Blow East
- Wind Up the Apple Tree
- Winkum Winkum
- Winter Cheer
- Winter’s Past
- Xtoles
- Y’a un rat
- Ya viene el niñito
- Yağ satarım bal satarım
- Yangtze Boatmen’s Chant
- Yonder She Comes
- You Turn for Sugar and Tea
- Ystäväni, tuttavani
- Yǔ bù sǎ huāhuā bu hóng
- Yuki
- Zahab El-Laylo
- Zec kopa repu
- Zeigt her Eure Füße
- Zi Zhu Diao (Purple Bamboo Flute)
- Zui zui zuk korobashi
- Zúmbale al pandero
(Available on song pages. Click each image to access.)