King’s Land


(Folk song)

I’m on the king’s* land, the king is not at home.
He’s* gone to Boston to buy his wife* a comb.

*Options for different leaders: Use the words, queen, she’s, dog


Version 1

Formation: Students stand in a line (shoulder to shoulder) in the “Kingdom.” One student is the King (or Queen) and stands on the other side of the room (in Boston) facing away from the students in a line.

Students sing the song. The King/Queen can turn around at any time during the song (the song can be sung up to three times). As soon as the King/Queen turns around, the students try to move from the Kingdom to Boston without being tagged by the King/Queen. Whoever is tagged becomes the new King/Queen.

Version 2

Formation: One side of the room is “Home,” and the opposite side of the room is “Boston.” In the middle is the “King’s Land.” Students stand in scattered formation in the “Kingdom.” One student is the King (or Queen) in “Boston” facing away from the other students.

Students sing the song. The King/Queen can turn around at any time during the song (the song can be sung up to three times). As soon as the King/Queen turns around, the students try to move either to “Home” or to “Boston” without being tagged by the King/Queen. Whoever is tagged becomes a Soldier, who ends up standing near the King/Queen and has the same ability to tag other students as the King/Queen in subsequent games.

See also


  • Song with chords & Solfege in 2 keys (PDF)
  • MIDI file
  • Listen to the song

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