De tierra lejana

Lyrics - Spanish

(Folk song from Puerto Rico)

1. De tierra lejana venimos a verte;
nos sirve de guía la estrella de Oriente.
Oh brillante estrella que anuncias la aurora,
no nos falte nunca tu luz bienhechora.
¡Gloria en las alturas al Hijo de Dios!
¡Gloria en las alturas y en la tierra paz!
2. Al recién nacido, quien es Rey de de reyes,
oro le regalo para ornar sus sienes.  Refrain
3. Como es Dios el Niño, le regalo incienso,
con aroma dulce que sube hasta el cielo.  Refrain
4. Al Niño del cielo que bajó a la tierra
le regalo mirra que inspira tristeza.  Refrain

English Translation - From a distant land

1. From a distant land we come to see you;
The star of the Orient serves as our guide.

O bright star that announces the dawn,
We never lack your beneficent light.
Glory in the highest to the Son of God!
Glory in the highest and peace on earth!

2. To the newborn, who is King of kings,
I give him gold to adorn his temples. Refrain

3. Since he is God the Child, I give him incense,
With a sweet aroma that rises to the sky. Refrain

4. The Child from heaven who came down to earth
I give you myrrh that inspires sadness. Refrain

See also


  • PDF of song with chords
  • MIDI file
  • Listen to the melody

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