(Provençal folk song used in Bizet’s L’Arlésienne, Lyrics by Stephen Fay, 1924)
Once three kings upon the break of day
Came proudly riding with a train in brave array,
And as they rode I marked the armor bright
That shone like silver in the early light.
As they came of courtiers rode ashore,
With precious offerings in golden store,
And o’er the desert then as on they took their way,
There beamed a star that was bright as day.
Original Version - Le Marche des rois

Lyrics - French
(13th Century Provençal Carol, Lyrics by Joseph-François Domergue, 1691-1728)
De bon matin
J’ai rencontré le train
De trois grands rois qui allaient en voyage.
De bon matin
J’ai rencontré le train
De trois grands rois dessus le grand chemin.
Venaient d’abord
Les gardes du corps,
Des gens armés avec trente petits pages,
Venaient d’abord
Les gardes du corps,
Des gens armés dessus leurs justaucorps.
Puis sur un char
Doré de toutes parts
On voit trois rois modestes comm’ des anges.
Puis sur un char
Doré de toutes parts
Trois rois debout parmi les étendards.
L’étoile luit
Et les rois conduit
Par longs chemins devant une pauvre étable.
L’étoile luit
Et les rois conduit
Par longs chemins devant l’humble réduit.
Au fils de Dieu
Qui naquit en ce lieu
Ils viennent tous présenter leurs hommages
Au fils de Dieu
Qui naquit en ce lieu
Ils viennent tous présenter leurs doux vœux.
De beaux présents
Or, myrrhe et encens
Ils vont offrir au maître tant admirable,
De beaux présents
Or, myrrhe et encens
Ils vont offrir au bienheureux enfant.
English Translation - The March of the Kings
Early in the morning
I came across the procession
Of three great kings going on a journey.
Early in the morning
I came across the procession
Of three great kinds on the great road.
First there came
The troup of guards,
Armed men, with thirty little pages;
First there came
The troup of guards,
Men armed atop their tunics.
Then, on a chariot
Gilded on all sides,
One sees three kings as modest as angels.
Then, on a chariot
Gilded on all sides,
Three kings standing amidst the standards.
The star shines
And leads the kings
By long roads before a poor stable.
The star shines
and leads the kings
By long roads before the humble shed.
To the Son of God
Who was born in this place
They come to present their respects.
To the Son of God
Who was born in this place
They come to present their dear prayers.
Fine presents,
Gold, myrrh, and incense,
They are going to offer to the master so admirable.
Fine presents,
Gold, myrrh, and incense,
They are going to offer to the blessed child.
See also
- Country: France
- Subjects: Three Kings’ Day (Epiphany) / numbers
- Meter: 2
- Scale: natural minor
- Source: Folk Songs & Art Songs for Intermediate Grades, Marie Teresa Armitage, 1924
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody