Lyrics - French
(Traditional French carol)
Entre le bœuf et l’âne gris
Dort, dort, dort le petit fils
Mille anges divins, mille séraphins
Volent à l’entour de ce grand dieu d’amour.
Entre les deux bras de Marie
Dort, dort, dort le fruit de vie
Mille anges divins, mille séraphins
Volent à l’entour de ce grand dieu d’amour.
Entre les roses et les lys
Dort, dort, dort le petit fils
Mille anges divins, mille séraphins
Volent à l’entour de ce grand dieu d’amour.
Entre les pastoureaux jolis
Dort, dort, Jésus qui sourit
Mille anges divins, mille séraphins
Volent à l’entour de ce grand dieu d’amour.
English Translation – Between the ox and the grey donkey (The sleep of baby Jesus)
Between the ox and the grey donkey
Sleeps, sleeps, sleeps the little son,
A thousand divine angels, a thousand seraphim
Fly around this great God of love.
Between the two arms of Mary
Sleeps, sleeps, sleeps the fruit of life,
A thousand divine angels, a thousand seraphim
Fly around this great God of love.
Between the roses and the lilies,
Sleeps, sleeps, sleeps the little son,
A thousand divine angels, a thousand seraphim
Fly around this great God of love.
Amidst the gentle shepherds
Sleeps, sleeps Jesus who smiles,
A thousand divine angels, a thousand seraphim
Fly around this great God of love.
See also
- Country: France
- Subject: Christmas
- Melody: descending minor pentascale
- Meter: 2
- Scale: pentachord
- Tones: l,t,drm
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody