Lyrics - French
(French folk song)
Promenons-nous dans les bois,
Pendant que le loup n’y est pas.
Si le loup y était
Il nous mangerait,
Mais comme il y est pas,
Il nous mangera pas.
Loup, y es-tu ? (Loup, y es-tu ?)
Que fais-tu ? (Que fais-tu ?)
M’entends-tu ? (M’entends-tu ?)
(1) Le loup : « Je mets ma chemise »
(2) Le loup : « Je mets mes chaussettes »
(3) Le loup : « Je mets ma pantalon »
(4) Le loup : « Je mets mes chaussures »
(5) Le loup : « Je prends mon fusil ! J’arrive ! Me voilà ! »
Sauvons nous !
English Translation – Let’s wander in the forest (Wolf are you there?)
Let’s wander in the forest
While the wolf is not there
If the wolf was there
He would eat us,
But since it is not there
He will not eat us.
“Wolf are you there ?
Do you hear ?
What are you doing ?”
(1) The wolf: “I am putting my shirt on.”
(2) The wolf: “I am putting my socks on.”
(3) The wolf: “I am putting my pants on.”
(4) The wolf: “I am putting my shoes on.”
(5) The wolf: “I take my gun! I arrive ! Here I am ! ”
Save us!
Formation: One student is the Wolf and stands (or sits) somewhere away from the other students.
During the song, the students walk around. Each time, the students sing their questions to the Wolf, and the Wolf answers by saying they are putting on different pieces of clothing (other pieces can be added). The last time, the Wolf is ready and tries to catch the students. Whichever student is not caught becomes the new Wolf.
Recorder Notes D, G, A, B, D'

See also
- Country: France
- Activities: games
- Subject: wolves
- Harmony: chords I & V
- Melody: D,G,A,B,D’
- Meter: 2
- Scale: tetratonic
- Timbre: voices
- Tones: drms
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody