Lyrics - French
(Folk song)
Les marenquins nous piquent,
II faut pagayer,
L’on ne passe sa vie,
Toujours en pagayant.
Pagaie, pagaie, pagaie, mon enfant.
English Translation
The mosquitos sting us,
We must paddle,
One’s life is not all passed
in paddling
Paddle, paddle, paddle, my boy.
See also
- Culture: African Americans
- Language: French
- Subjects: canoes / paddling / insects
- Harmony: chords i, iv, v
- Meter: 2
- Scale: Dorian
- Source: Afro-American Folksongs, Krehbiel, Henry Edward, Clearfield Company, 1993
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody