(Traditional chant)
A great big cat and a wee little mouse
Went round and round in a high, high house
But that wee little mouse got caught at last
‘Cause the great big cat ran around so fast!
- “great big cat” = speak with low voice, stretch arms out
- “wee little mouse” = speak with high voice, two fingers close together
- “round and round” = speak quickly, rolling motion with two fists
- “high, high house” = speak with high voice, arms up
- “wee little mouse” = speak with high voice, two fingers close together
- “caught at last” = pretend to catch mouse
- “great big cat” = speak with low voice, stretch arms out
- (optional – add dramatic pause) “Ran around so fast!” = speak quickly, rolling motion with two fists
See also
- Subjects: cats / mice
- Activities: motions
- Melody: high & low
- Meter: 2
- Tempo: fast & slow
- Timbre: chants
- Printable & Digital Visuals
- PDF of chant + Lesson ideas