(Folk song, adapted by B. Thompson)
Bounce around, tuli-lule,
Bounce around, tuli-lule,
Bounce around, tuli-lule
Tuli-lu, my darling
Circle Game
Formation: Students stand in a circle, with each person standing next to a partner. At least one person, “It” (with a big class, more than one person can be “It”) is outside the circle with no partner. All clap and sing the song while “It” walks around and then steals someone’s partner, and walks back hand-in-hand to a spot in the circle. The person left without a partner becomes “It.”
Idea: Add more verses with locomotor movements, such as: skip, march, tip-toe, gallop, hop/jump, slide, etc. Instead of walking around, “It” can move according to the lyric being sung.
See also
- Activities: circle singing games
- Harmony: tonic triad / chords I V
- Melody: dominant triad
- Meter: 2
- Source: Handy Play Party Book, Lynn Rohrbough, Co-operative Recreational Service, 1940
- Similar song: Skip to My Lou
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody