(Folk song)
Hail you! And where did you come from? Hallelujah. (repeat)
Oh I’m come from the land of Egypt, Hallelujah. (repeat)
Hail you! And where are you bound for? (repeat)
Oh I’m bound for the land of Canaan. (repeat)
Recorder Notes G, A, B, D'
See also
- Subject: Christian
- Form: call & response / AB
- Harmony: chords I & V
- Melody: G,A,B,D’ / do re mi
- Meter: 2
- Scale: tetratonic
- Tones: drms
- Source: American Folk Songs for Christmas, Ruth Crawford Seeger, Loomis House Press, 1953
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- PDF of song with chords + Lesson ideas
- MIDI file
- Listen to the song
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