Lyrics - German
(Folk song from Germany)
Dornröschen war ein schönes Kind, schönes Kind, schönes Kind,
Dornröschen war ein schönes Kind, schönes Kind.
Dornröschen, nimm dich ja in acht…
Da kam die böse Fee herein, Fee herein, Fee herein…
Dornröschen, schlafe hundert Jahr’, hundert Jahr’, hundert Jahr’…
Da wuchs die Hecke riesengroß, riesengroß, riesengroß…
Da kam ein junger Königssohn, Königssohn, Königssohn…
Dornröschen, wache wieder auf, wieder auf, wieder auf…
Da feierten sie das Hochzeitsfest, Hochzeitsfest, Hochzeitsfest…
Da jubelte das ganze Volk, ganze Volk, ganze Volk…
English Translation - Briar Rose (Sleeping Beauty)
Sleeping Beauty was a beautiful child, beautiful child, beautiful child,
Sleeping Beauty was a beautiful child, beautiful child.
Sleeping Beauty, be careful…
Then the evil fairy came in, fairy in, fairy in…
Sleeping Beauty, sleep for a hundred years, a hundred years, a hundred years…
Then the hedge grew huge, huge, huge…
Then a young prince came, prince, prince…
Sleeping Beauty, wake up again, wake up again, wake up again…
Then they celebrated the wedding feast, wedding feast, wedding feast…
Then the whole people, the whole people, the whole people rejoiced…
Formation: One student, “Thorn Rosa, or Sleeping Beauty” is surrounded by a circle of students holding hands (the castle). Around the “castle” is another circle of students holding hands (the “thorny hedge”).
Teacher or students tell / sing the story of Sleeping Beauty, and students act out the story. One student is the witch, who touches Thorn Rosa, who falls asleep. Then another student is the Prince, who breaks through the circles and touches Thorn Rosa, who wakes up.
See also
- Subjects: ballads / interactive stories
- Harmony: chords I & V
- Meter: 2
- Scale: hexachord
- Tones: drmfsl
- Melody source / Lyric source
- English version: Thorn Rosa
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody