Lyrics - Kikongo / English
(Folk song from the Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Me, me, nkombo meka (repeat)
1. All the girls will want to see a handsome man when they pass.
Yes the girls will want to see a handsome man when they pass.
2. When I die please carry me out there where all the girls pass,
All the girls will want to see a handsome man when they pass.
English Translation - The Goat's Cry
Nkombo meka means “the goat’s cry.”
Recorder Notes: D, E, F#, G, A

Recorder Notes: G, A, B, C, D’

See also
- Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Subject: goats
- Form: ABA
- Harmony: chords I V
- Melody: D,E,F#,G,A / G,A,B,C,D’
- Meter: 2
- Rhythm:
- Scale: pentachord
- Tones: drmfs
- Song with chords in 2 keys (PDF)
- MIDI file
- Listen to the song