(Folk song)
Listen listen here I come
Someone special gets the drum
Circle Game
Formation – Students sit in a circle. One student is “It.”
As students sing, “It” walks outside the circle pointing to each student on the beat. On the last word, “drum,” “It” stops and points to a student, who then becomes the new “It.” The original “It” takes a turn playing a drum.
See also
- Subjects: circle games / drums
- Harmony: chords I & V / Orff arrangements
- Melody: mi-so
- Meter: 2
- Rhythm:
/ steady beat
- Scale: tetratonic
- Tones: drms
- Printable & Digital Visuals

- PDF of song with chords + Lesson ideas + Orff arrangement
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody

1 thought on “Listen Listen Here I Come”
This is a melody from the Orff Schulwerk Music for Children Volume I (Murray edition) – it allows for wonderful short solo opportunities for young students. 😊