The song “Korobeiniki” (Korobeiniki, Коробе́йники, The Peddlers) is based on a poem of the same name by Nikolay Nekrasov, which was first printed in the Sovremennik magazine in 1861. It tells of a meeting between a peddler and a girl. “Korobeiniki” is also known as the “Tetris theme song.” (source)
Lyrics – Transliteration
(Russian folk song, Lyrics by Nikolay, Nekrasov, 1861)
Oy polnym polna moya korobushka
Yest’ i sitets i parcha.
Pozhaley, dusha-zaznobushka,
Molodetskogo plecha.
Vyydu, vyydu v rozh’ vysokuyu,
Tam do nochki pogozhu,
Kak zavizhu chernookuyu,
Vse tovary razlozhu.
Tseny sam platil nemalyye,
Ne torguysya, ne skupis’,
Podstavlyay-ka gubki alyye,
Blizhe k molodtsu sadis’.
Vot uzh pala noch’ tumannaya,
Zhdyot udalyy molodets.
Chu, idyot! – prishla zhelannaya,
Prodayot tovar kupets.
English Translation – The Peddler
Oh, my crate is so full,
I’ve got calico and brocade.
Take pity, oh sweety,
Of this lad’s shoulder
I will, I will go out into the tall rye,
I will wait there till the night comes,
Once I see the dark-eyed lass,
I will showcase all my goods.
I paid no small price myself,
So don’t bargain or be stingy,
Bring your scarlet lips to me,
Sit closer to this fine lad.
The foggy night has already come,
The daring lad is awaiting,
Hark, it’s her! The desired one has come,
The merchant is selling his goods.
Russian - Коробе́йники
Ой полным полна моя коробушка
Есть и ситец, и парча.
Пожалей, душа-зазнобушка,
Молодецкого плеча.
Выйду, выйду в рожь высокую,
Там до ночки погожу,
Как завижу черноокую,
Все товары разложу.
Цены сам платил немалые,
Не торгуйся, не скупись,
Подставляй-ка губки алые,
Ближе к молодцу садись.
Вот уж пала ночь туманная,
Ждёт удалый молодец…
Чу, идёт! – пришла желанная,
Продаёт товар купец.
See also
- Country: Russia
- Harmony: chords i, iv, V
- Meter: 2
- Scale: natural minor
- Tempo: fast & slow
- PDF of song with chords
- MIDI file
- Listen to the melody