AB & AAB & AAAB & AABB - Songs with 2 Contrasting Sections
- A Capital Ship
- A la claire fontaine
- A la puerta del cielo
- À la volette
- A Life on the Ocean Wave
- A Sailing Song
- A Virgin Most Pure
- A Virgin Unspotted
- A-Rovin’ (Maid of Amsterdam)
- Aba Daba Honeymoon
- Above the Plain
- Ach Ja
- Ack Värmeland, du sköna
- Aeroplane Jelly Song
- Agia Marína tziai kyrá
- Aiken Drum
- Ain’t Gonna Grieve My Lord No More
- Ain’t That Rockin’ All Night
- Al ánimo
- All Hail to the Flag of Freedom
- All Join Hands and Circle to the Left
- All My Trials
- Alla baja Jesucristo
- Alla fiera di Mastr’Andrè
- Aloha ‘Oe
- Amol iz geven a mayse
- Angel Band
- Angels from the Realms of Glory
- Angels We Have Heard on High
- Apanhar o trevo
- Apple Tree chant
- Arizona March Song
- Arkansas
- Arre borriquito
- As I Came Over Yonders Hill
- Auld Lang Syne
- Auprès de ma blonde
- Aura Lee
- Away Idaho
- Ay Bopem
- Babe in Bethlehem’s Manger Laid
- Back Home Again in Indiana
- Báidín Fheilimí
- Banks of Sacramento
- Borboleta Pequenina
- Barges
- Barquito de papel
- Basque Lullaby
- Battle Cry of Freedom
- Battle Hymn of the Republic
- Beautiful Isle of Somewhere
- Beaver Dam Road
- Betty Botter
- Big Corral
- Big Sheep
- Bigi kaiman
- Bim Bum
- Birdies’ Ball
- Birthday of a King
- Blow Ye Winds
- Blow Your Trumpet Gabriel
- Blue Mountain Lake
- Boar’s Head Carol
- Bóg się rodzi
- Boll Weevil
- Bonhomme! Bonhomme!
- Bonnie Blue Flag
- Boryano, Boryanke
- Botany Bay
- Bound for South Australia
- Brave Old Oak
- Bright Rosy Morning
- Brightest and Best
- Buckeye Jim
- Buffalo Gals
- Bulldog
- Burung Kakak Tua
- Butterflies
- Caimarusa
- California
- Calon Lân
- Campana sobre campana
- Can nənə
- Can Ye Sew Cushions
- Canta ríe bebe
- Carol Children Carol
- Cape Cod Chantey
- Captain Jinks
- Cedar Swamp
- Chan Mali Chan
- Christmas Voices
- Christmastime Has Come Again
- Christmastime is Come Again
- Cielito lindo
- Cindy
- Clear the Track (Eliza Lee)
- Clementine
- Click Go The Shears
- Clucking Hen
- Coffee Grows on White Oak Trees
- Colcannon (The Skillet Pot)
- Colorado Trail
- Come All Ye Young Sailormen
- Come Back to Erin
- Come Through the Sawmill
- Commencement Song
- Cornish Wassail Song
- Cowboy’s Life
- Cripple Creek
- Crocodile Song-Canada
- Crows in the Garden
- Cruise of the Bigaler
- Cshebogar
- Cuckoo Waltz
- Cumberland Gap
- D’où viens-tu, bergère?
- Daddy Wouldn’t Buy Me a Bow-Wow
- Daddy’s Whiskers
- Dancing and Whirling
- Days of Summer Glory
- De Frühlig isch au scho uf d’Berge cho
- De lanterna na mão
- De tierra lejana
- Dear Old Pals (1877)
- December
- Der Winter ist vergangen
- Derby Ram
- Doggie Doggie
- Donkey Riding
- Dormi dormi bel Bambin
- Doŭhi dzień
- Down by the Riverside
- Down in the Jungle
- Dreidel Song
- Drill Ye Tarriers
- Drop Peter Drop
- Ducks in the Millpond
- Dunje ranke
- Early to Bed
- Ee-Lee-Ay-Lee-Oh
- Ein Vogel wollte Hochzeit machen
- Eki Attar
- El chiriguare
- El farolero
- El Tio Fresco
- El-A-Noy
- Engine Engine Number Nine
- Erie Canal
- Es ist für uns eine Zeit angekommen
- Es wearn die Wiesn grian
- Es wird scho glei dumpa
- Farmer is the Man
- Fflat Huw Puw
- Fire Down Below
- Flag of ’76
- Flag of the Free
- Flag of the Free, Fairest to See
- Flickorna de små uti dansen de gå
- Funiculi Funicula
- Geography Song
- Gerakina / Yerakina
- Gesú Bambino
- Ghum parani mashi pishi
- Git Along Little Dogies
- Give Me Jesus
- Give Me Oil in My Lamp
- Give Said the Little Stream
- Go Mississippi
- God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen
- Goin’ Down to Cairo
- Goin’ to Boston
- Goin’ Up On the Mountain
- Golden Boat Song
- Golden Ring Around the Susan Girl
- Gong Xi Gong Xi
- Goober Peas
- Good Night Kind Friends
- Good Night Ladies
- Goodbye Old Paint
- Gore gwiazda Jezusowi
- Grafted Into the Army
- Grasshopper
- Greensleeves
- Hail Columbia
- Hail to Thee Old Apple Tree
- Halloween Fun
- Happy Days are Here Again
- Haul on the Bowlin’
- Hawaiʻi Ponoʻī
- Heaven Heaven (I’ve Got a Robe)
- Hey Diddle Diddle
- Highland Fairy Lullaby
- Hinky Dinky Double D Farm
- Hoe leit dit kindeke
- Hold the Fort
- Holly and the Ivy
- Holly Bears a Berry
- Home on the Range
- Home Sweet Home
- Homespun Dress
- Hop-tu-naa Song
- Horse Went Around
- Hört ihr Herrn und lasst euch sagen
- How Can I Keep From Singing
- How Old Are You?
- Hush-a-bye Baby
- I daden
- I Have a Car
- I Heard from Heaven Today
- I Love You California
- I’d Like to Be in Texas When They Roundup in the Spring
- I’ll Sell My Hat
- I’m a Nut
- I’s the B’y
- I’ve Got the Joy Joy Joy
- Ik zou zo graag een koeike kopen
- Ikhav Kozak za Dunaj
- Il Canto degli Italiani
- In Bethlehem City
- In the Good Old Summertime
- Injit Injit Semut
- Isa Lei
- Ja na erdhi Viti i ri
- Jack was Every Inch a Sailor
- January, February
- Jarnana
- Jenny Jenkins
- Jesse James
- Jesus Loves the Little Children
- Jingle Bells
- John B. Sails
- Joulupuu on rakennettu
- Jubilee
- Kakavik
- Keel Row
- Keemo Kymo
- Keep in the Middle of the Road
- Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning
- Kelgusõit (Küll on kena kelguga)
- Kënga e Gjyshes
- Kicking Mule
- Kinders moenie in die water mors nie
- Kis karácsony nagy karácsony
- Kiša pada
- Klondike Gold Rush
- Koon yeghir palas
- Kreuztanz
- Ku’u Ipo Ika He’e Pueone
- Kukułeczka kuka
- L’inverno è passato
- La cambo me fai mau
- La Marimorena
- La piñata (Dale dale dale)
- La primavera
- La Sinda
- Land of the Free
- Le pastouriau (Quand j’étais chez mon père)
- Leather Winged Bat
- Leaving of Liverpool
- Lenggang Kangkung
- Leptiriću, šareniću
- Let Me Fly
- Life in the Army
- Linda noite de Natal
- Linstead Market
- Listen to the Mockingbird
- Little Bunny Foo Foo
- Little Dustman
- Little Green Frog
- Little Lamb
- Little Old Sod Shanty
- Loch Lomond
- Lone Star Trail
- Long Road of Iron
- Los peces en el río
- Lula Gal
- Lulajże Jezuniu
- Lumberman’s Alphabet
- Mariner’s Hymn
- Masters in this Hall
- Meet Me in St. Louis
- Meguru
- Meunier tu dors
- Mister Rabbit
- Mistress More
- Moja mbil tatu
- Montana
- Moş Crăciun cu plete dalbe
- Muffin Man
- Namamasko
- Narodi nam se
- Natal de Elvas
- Nead na Lachan
- Nebo i zemlia nyni torzhestvuiut
- New Year’s Carol
- Nine Hundred Miles
- Noriu Miego
- Nova radost stala
- Nu er det jul igen
- O ce veste minunată
- O Come All Ye Faithful
- O Come O Come Emmanuel
- O Hal’lwe
- O menino esta dormindo
- O pião entrou na roda
- Oft in the Stilly Night
- Oh California
- Oh Mary, Where is Your Baby
- Old Abe Lincoln Came Out of the Wilderness
- Old Bell Cow
- Old Chisholm Trail
- Old Dog Tray
- Old Hen Cackled
- Old Joe Clark
- Old Lady Goose
- Old Man Moses
- Old Mother Hubbard
- Old New Hampshire
- Old North State
- Old Santa Claus
- On the Banks of the Wabash Far Away
- One Cold and Frosty Morning
- One More Day
- Our Delaware
- Overlander
- Óró Mo Bháidín
- Oy Chanukah oy Chanukah
- Paddy Works on the Railway
- Pásli ovce valaši
- Patsy Ory Ory Aye
- Pennsylvania
- Personent Hodie
- Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater
- Pili Aoao
- Pincez Tous vos Koras, Frappez les Balafons
- Piva piva
- Pleasant and Delightful
- Po nábreží koník beží
- Podul de piatră
- Pokarekare Ana
- Pretty Little Girl with the Red Dress On
- Půjdem Spolu do Betléma
- Rattle Sna-wa-wake
- Red Iron Ore
- Reveille
- Riding in the Buggy
- Rio Grande
- Río río
- Rise and Shine (Arky Arky)
- Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow
- Risseldy Rosseldy
- Rockin’ Robin
- Rocky Island
- Rocky Mountain
- Roda pião
- Roll Jordan Roll
- Roll the Old Chariot
- Rolling Home
- Rolly Trudum
- Rosy My Posy
- Sacramento
- Saint Patrick Was a Gentleman
- Sandie Toy
- Săniuța fuge
- Sansa Kroma
- Santa Lucia
- Santiana
- Schpinn, schpinn, meine liewi Dochder
- Scraping Up Sand in the Bottom of the Sea
- Sedi Ćira na vrh slame
- See The Morning Fair And Bright
- Semira Semira
- Señor San José (Carpintero fino)
- Seven Joys of Mary
- Shanghai Chicken
- Shepherds in Judea
- Shine On
- Shoo, Shoo, Shoo-Lye
- Sidewalks of New York
- Sigga Litla Systir Mín
- Simama Kaa
- Simple Gifts
- Sing We Now of Christmas
- Singen is inser Freid
- Singing in the Land
- Sir Eglamore
- Slumber My Darling
- Some Folks
- Somebody Waiting
- Somerset Wassail
- Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child
- Song of All Songs
- Song of the Fishes
- Song of the Seasons
- Song of the Skylark
- Sōran Bushi
- Speak Distinctly
- Spelling Bee
- Springtime
- St. Valentine’s Day
- Standing in the Need of Prayer
- Starving to Death on a Government Claim
- State of Maine Song
- Strike the Bell
- Subo Subo
- Sussex Carol (On Christmas Night)
- Swapping Song
- Sweetheart Out A-Hunting
- Tailor and the Mouse
- Tennessee
- Texas Our Texas
- There Goes a Red Bird Through the Window
- There Was a Great Big Moose
- Thief
- Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne
- Tip Toe Song
- Titanic
- To the West
- Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day
- Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral
- Tortuga concha
- Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! (The Prisoner’s Hope)
- Tree Song
- Tren Gelir Hoş Gelir
- Tres hojitas madre
- Tūdaliņ Tagadiņ
- Tumbalalaika
- Turkey Struttin’ Down the Lane
- Twankydillo
- Two Stars
- Ua Nani Kaua’i
- Ukuti
- Ulili E
- Un deux trois
- Up on the Housetop
- Üsküdar’a Gider İken
- Utima Wange
- Velo que bonito
- Vigndig a Fremd Kind
- Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy
- Vive la Compagnie
- Vo Luzern uf Wäggis zue / Weggis Song
- Voici la Noël
- Waltzing Matilda
- Washington and Lincoln
- Washington My Home
- Wassail Bough
- Wassail Song
- We Three Kings of Orient Are
- We Wish You a Merry Christmas
- We’ll Fight for Uncle Abe
- Weave the Wadmal
- Weaver John
- Weevily Wheat
- West Virginia Hills
- What Child is This?
- When Christ was Born
- When Father Papered The Parlour
- When I Was a Cowboy
- When Irish Eyes are Smiling
- When the Ice-Worms Nest Again
- Where the Columbines Grow
- Whistle Mary
- White Wings
- Who is He in Yonder Stall
- Who Threw the Overalls in Mrs. Murphy’s Chowder
- Whoa Mule
- Wild Mountain Thyme
- Wishy Washy Wee
- Woke Up This Mornin’
- Wyoming
- Xtoles
- Ya vienen los reyes magos
- Yankee Doodle
- Yankee Doodle Boy
- Yeo Heave Ho
- Yism’chu Hashamayim
- Zabelinha tecedeira
- Zahab El-Laylo
- Zec kopa repu
- Zulu Warrior
- Ach du Lieber Augustin
- Akiwowo
- Al Hanisim
- Alegrem-se os Céus e a Terra
- All Me Rock
- Apple Tree chant
- Awe bebëe
- Ay del Chiquirritín
- Ayo Mama
- Balm in Gilead
- Baloo Baleerie
- Behold That Star
- Bela bimba
- Bila kita berkumpul
- Blow the Wind Southerly
- Bonnie Scotland I Adore Thee
- Boom Boom! Ain’t it Great it Be Crazy?
- Boryano, Boryanke
- Brother Rabbit
- Captain Jinks
- Catalina Magdalena
- Chi Chi Bud Oh
- Christmas is Here
- Connecticut Peddler
- Cumberland Mountain Deer Chase
- Danse i en ring
- Dayenu
- Di Tanjong Katong
- Did You Ever See a Lassie
- Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel
- Do As I’m Doing
- Dodi Li
- Don’t You Let Nobody Turn You ‘Round
- Done Found My Lost Sheep
- Doney Gal
- Down to the Baker’s Shop
- Dry Weather Houses
- Dundai
- Early to Bed
- El tambor de la alegria
- El vito
- Elsie Marley
- En roulant
- Es tanzt ein Bi-Ba-Butzemann
- Et Lá-Bas
- Fais dodo, Colas mon p’tit frère
- Falade ben baixo
- Follow the Drinking Gourd
- Free At Last
- Fröhliche Weihnacht überall
- Gaudete
- Git on Board
- Go On Old Gator
- Go Tell it On the Mountain
- Great Day
- Greeting Song
- Hai cocuță
- Hal an Tow
- Healing Waters
- Here We Go Looby Loo
- Hey Lidee
- Hill and Gully Rider
- Himno Nacional Mexicano
- Hist hvor vejen slår en bugt
- Hop-tu-naa My Mother’s Gone Away
- Huachi torito
- Hunt the Cows
- Hunting for a Home
- Hush Thee My Dove (Manx Lullaby)
- I Want to Be Ready
- Il est ne le divin Enfant
- Jack Can I Ride
- Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho
- June
- Kalinka malinka
- Kellon Indon Sayarat
- La tía Mónica
- Laylat al-Milad
- Le Petit Noël
- Limerick Song
- Little Lap-Dog Lullaby
- Lompat Si Katak
- Lullaby (Haiti)
- Lynchburg Town
- My Lord What a Mornin’
- Ninni la tibkix iżjed
- Nkombo Meka
- Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen
- O Ġesù ħelwa tarbija
- Okki Tokki Unga
- Old Ark’s a-Moverin’
- Old Jim Slack’s Grey Horse
- Old Zion’s Children
- Open the Window Noah
- Over the River Charlie
- Pallet on the Floor
- Panama’m Tombe
- Past Three O’Clock
- Pastorcitos del monte venid
- Pay Me My Money Down
- Peanut Butter
- Play for Ma Dogoma
- Polichinelle
- Rain or Shine
- Rattlin’ Bog
- Riding on the Elevated
- Riding Round the Cattle
- Ritsch Ratsch Filibom Bom Bom
- Rock a My Soul
- Rock Island Line
- Rock to Get Ready for School
- Roll the Chariot
- Roy’s Horse Enjoys a Gallop
- Sapateia
- Ser como el aire libre
- Sevivon
- Sha Shtil
- Shabbat Shalom
- Sing-a-Lamb
- Skye Boat Song
- Song of the Volga Boatmen
- Song of the Watch
- Soon Ah Will Be Done
- Soul Cake (Souling Song)
- Steal Away to Jesus
- Suliram
- Summ Summ Summ
- Sur le Pont d’Avignon
- Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
- Tamboulay / C.C. Moriah
- The More We Get Together
- There’s a Meeting Here Tonight
- Tingalayo
- Toutouig
- Twelve Gates To The City
- Una tarde fresquita de mayo
- Vamos todos a Belén
- You Turn for Sugar and Tea
- Wade in the Water
- Walk Together Children
- Wasn’t That a Mighty Day
- Weather Song
- Who Built the Ark
- Wind the Bobbin Up
- Wolves A-Howling
- Zum Gali Gali
- Zúmbale al pandero