Old Abe Lincoln Came Out of the Wilderness


This song was sung during Abraham Lincoln’s 1860s campaign for presidency of the U.S. The tune was based on an African American Spiritual, “Ain’t I Glad I Got Out the Wilderness.” (source: Sandburg)
This website lists J. Warner as the lyricist.


(J. Warner, 1858)

1. Old Abe Lincoln came out of the wilderness,
out of the wilderness, out of the wilderness,
Old Abe Lincoln came out of the wilderness many long years ago.

Many long years ago, many long years ago.
Old Abe Lincoln came out of the wilderness many long years ago.

2. Old Jeff Davis tore down the government,
tore down the government, tore down the government.
Old Jeff Davis tore down the government,
Many long years ago. Refrain

3. But Old Abe Lincoln built up another one,
built up another one, built up another one.
But Old Abe Lincoln built up another one,
Many long years ago. Refrain


  • PDF of song with chords
  • MIDI file
  • Listen to the melody

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