

(Folk song)

1. Gather round my dears, pull the wool out of your ears,
And the wonders of the sea I will expound,
You can see I am a sailor ’cause I wear a sailor hat;
Six times I have been shipwrecked and found drowned.

Oh we lowered the funnel and stopped the ship and reefed the cable chain;
We heaved the cargo overboard and hauled it back again.
We hoisted the mainsail up aloft the stormy winds to blow.
With the crew in the hatch, the ship struck a match
And ee-lee-ay-lee-oh!

2. On a borrowed foreign craft, silver-plated for and aft,
With a cargo of fried eggs we did embark,
And we were not long at sea before we struck a Christmas tree
So we had to eat our supper in the dark. Refrain

3. While cruising ’round the capt we had a marvelous escape;
The wind blew off the captain’s wooden leg,
And he fell down on the deck where he nearly broke his neck
And we had to bathe his foot in ham and eggs. Refrain

4. While the mate lay in his bunk, this ill-fated vessel sunk,
And we all rushed up on deck to see the fun.
For the shore we made our tracks with the cargo on our backs
And we sat and dried our whiskers in the sun. Refrain

See also

  • PDF of song with chords
  • MIDI file
  • Listen to the melody

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